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TitleA new genus and species of termites (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) from the rainforest of northern Peru
PMC PMC3253633
PMID 22303111
ZooBank 5eb9b6aa-7898-4e04-969d-401a46dc08b0
  1. A new genus and species of Brazilian termite (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae).
    by RL Araujo
    Studia Entomologica 13 pages 365--368 (1970)
    • Paraconvexitermes acangapua (Isoptera: Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae), a new genus and new species of the so-called “small Neotropical soil-feeding nasutes” from South America.
      by EM Cancello;C Noirot
      Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (ns) 39 pages 187--193 (2003)
      • 10.1080/00379271.2003.10697373
    • Five new termite genera from south West Africa (Isoptera: Termitidae).
      by WGH Coaton
      Cimbebasia 2 pages 1--34 (1971)
      • Online Termite Database.
        by R Constantino
        • The termites from Kartabo, Bartica District, Guyana.
          by AE Emerson
          Zoologica 6 pages 291--459 (1925)
          • New genera on the Subulitermes branch of the Nasutitermitinae from the Ethiopian region (Isoptera, Termitidae).
            by AE Emerson
            American Museum Novitates 1987 pages 1--21 (1960b)
            • 2246/4403
          • Family-group names for termites (Isoptera).
            by M Engel;K Krishna
            American Museum Novitates 3432 pages 1--9 (2004)
            • 10.1206/0003-0082(2004)432<0001:FNFTI>2.0.CO;2
            • 2246/2797
          • Atlantitermes, novo gênero de cupim, com duas novas espécies do Brasil (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae).
            by LR Fontes
            Revista brasileira de Entomologia 23 pages 219--227 (1979)
            • Morphology of the alate and worker mandibles of the soil-feeding nasute termites (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) from the Neotropical region.
              by LR Fontes
              Revista brasileira de Zoologia 3 pages 503--531 (1987)
              • A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of termites (Isoptera) illuminates key aspects of their evolutionary biology.
                by DJG Inward;AP Vogler;P Eggleton
                Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 pages 953--967 (2007)
                • 10.1016/j.ympev.2007.05.014
              • Versuch einer Monographie der amerikanische Eutermes - Arten.
                by N Holmgren
                Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten 27 pages 171--325 (1910)
                • Anatomie comparée du tube digestive des termites II. Sous famille des Nasutitermitinae.
                  by J Kovoor
                  Insectes Sociaux 16 pages 195--234 (1969)
                  • 10.1007/BF02223410
                • The Australian genera of the Subulitermes branch of the Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera: Termitidae).
                  by LR Miller
                  Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 23 pages 119--125 (1984)
                  • 10.1111/j.1440-6055.1984.tb01924.x
                • The gut of termites (Isoptera). Comparative anatomy, systematics, phylogeny. II. Higher termites (Termitidae).
                  by C Noirot
                  Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (ns) 37 pages 431--471 (2001)
                  • Humivorous nasute termites (Isoptera: Nasutitermitinae) from the Panama Canal area.
                    by Y Roisin
                    Belgian Journal of Zoology 125 pages 283--300 (1995)
                    • Measurement of termites (Isoptera) for taxonomic purposes.
                      by ML Roonwal
                      Journal of the Zoological Society of India 21 pages 9--66 (1970)
                      • The identification of worker castes of termite genera from soils of Africa and the Middle East.
                        by WA Sands
                        • Termites collected on the Mulford Biological Exploration to the Amazon Basin 1921–1922.
                          by TE Snyder
                          Proceedings of the US National Museum 68 pages 1--76 (1926)
                          • 10.5479/si.00963801.68-2622.1
                          • 129983
                        Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.