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TitleReview of the odd chrysidid genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Loboscelidiinae)
PMC PMC3426872
PMID 22933852
ZooBank 5f46c718-adcb-498a-9eb1-9fdf7c17f1c2
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    • The affinities of Loboscelidia Westwood.
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      by RM Fouts
      The Philippine Journal of Science 20 pages 619--637 (1922)
      • Descriptions of three new Hymenoptera from the Philippine Islands.
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        • (October) Diapriidae.
          by JJ Kieffer
          Das Tierreich 44 pages 1--627 (1916a)
          • (November) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Loboscelidia Westwood (Hymenoptera).
            by JJ Kieffer
            Philippine Journal of Science 11 pages 399--401 (1916b)
            • Two new species of the cryptic chrysidid parasitoid subfamily Loboscelidiinae: the second species in Rhadinoscelidia and the first Loboscelidia for the Indonesian fauna.
              by JI Kojima;R Ubaidillah
              Entomological Science 6 pages 199--207 (2003)
              • 10.1046/j.1343-8786.2003.00023.x
            • Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese wasps: A monograph of the Amiseginae and Loboscelidiinae (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae).
              by KV Krombein
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            • Loboscelididae, a new family of Hymenoptera.
              by TC Maa;CM Yoshimoto
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              • The insects of Australia. Hymenoptera. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 867–959.
                by EF Riek
                • A new record of the subfamily Loboscelidiinae (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from Japan.
                  by M Terayama;T Muroi;K Yamagishi
                  The Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 4 pages 31--32 (1998)
                  • Thesaurus Entomologicus Oxoniensis.
                    by JO Westwood
                    • A new species of the genus Loboscelidia (Insecta, Hymenoptera) from China.
                      by ZF Xu;LQ Weng;JH He
                      Acta Zootaxonomia Sinica 31 pages 208--210 (2006)
                      • Two new species in the genus Loboscelidia from China.
                        by J Yao;L Jingxian;Z Xu
                        Florida Entomologist 93 pages 526--534 (2010)
                        • 10.1653/024.093.0409
                      Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.