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TitleA remarkable new species of Ogcodes (Diptera: Acroceridae) in Dominican amber
Abstract"Four specimens of a distinctive new species of acrocerine fly are described as Ogcodes exotica, preserved in Oligo-Miocene amber of the Dominican Republic. The fossil species appears most closely related to several Old World species of Ogcodes, based on distinctive, clavate hind tibiae and tergal mounds (structure of the antennae and wing venation unquestionably places it in the cosmopolitan genus Ogcodes). However, features of its cervical region are found in the African genera Meruia and Sabroskya"--P. [1].
JournalAmerican Museum Novitates
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Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. Brachyceran Diptera (Insecta) in Cretaceous ambers, Part IV, Significant New Orthorrhaphous Taxa
    by David A Grimaldi;Jeffrey M Cumming Antonio Arillo
    ZooKeys 148 pages 293--332 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.148.1809
    • PMC3264415
    • 22287902
    • 6e4448a9-f409-4d3f-a6a2-0ea751057082
  2. Brachyceran Diptera (Insecta) in Cretaceous ambers, Part IV, Significant New Orthorrhaphous Taxa
    ZooKeys 148 pages 293--332 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.148.1809
    • PMC3264415
    • 22287902
  3. Brachyceran Diptera (Insecta) in Cretaceous ambers, Part IV, Significant New Orthorrhaphous Taxa
    ZooKeys 148 pages 293--332 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.148.1809
    • PMC3264415
    • 22287902
  4. A new species of spider fly in the genus Sabroskya Schlinger from Malawi, with a key to Acrocerinae world genera (Diptera, Acroceridae)
    ZooKeys 171 pages 1--15 (2012)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.171.2137
    • PMC3288680
    • 22423193
    • 7608fc64-de28-4e46-984c-8caa109c4a07
  5. Brachyceran Diptera (Insecta) in Cretaceous ambers, Part IV, Significant New Orthorrhaphous Taxa
    ZooKeys 148 pages 293--332 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.148.1809
    • PMC3264415
    • 22287902