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Keys and ancillary information are provided to summarize understanding of the diversity of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in East Africa. We reviewed literature and online databases to aid identification of 145 species of bats known to inhabit Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda. National tallies of species were as follows: Kenya, 108; Tanzania, 105; Uganda, 98; Rwanda, 49; and Burundi, 33. Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda harbor three of Africa's four richest known bat faunas, but all are incompletely known. Ordination analysis via multidimensional scaling suggests that the East African bat fauna shares elements with those in North Africa, West Africa, and South Africa. We constructed keys to species, drawing from the literature and modifying or expanding them to suit the East African bat fauna. Insofar as possible, we used characters that are visible externally or through cursory cranial or dental inspection. The keys are organized taxonomically: an initial key to the 10 families of bats in East Africa directs the user to separate keys for each family and, in the case of Molossidae and Vespertilionidae, to separate keys for the more diverse genera. Each key is flanked by a brief introduction, a measurement table containing the ranges of various external and cranial measurements (in some cases augmented by salient diagnostic characters), and individual species accounts. The latter contain scientific and common names, type locality and description, geographic range, and current conservation status as determined by IUCN in 2011. Species of certain vespertilionids are too subtly distinguished and/or incompletely documented to be identified with our keys; additional studies of tragus size and shape, bacular morphology, and call notes will be needed to resolve these species. We conclude with accounts for species that we excluded from the East African fauna (with our rationales) and a list of species that may eventually be added to the East African fauna.
TitleKeys to the Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of East Africa
AbstractKeys and ancillary information are provided to summarize understanding of the diversity of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in East Africa. We reviewed literature and online databases to aid identification of 145 species of bats known to inhabit Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda. National tallies of species were as follows: Kenya, 108; Tanzania, 105; Uganda, 98; Rwanda, 49; and Burundi, 33. Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda harbor three of Africa's four richest known bat faunas, but all are incompletely known. Ordination analysis via multidimensional scaling suggests that the East African bat fauna shares elements with those in North Africa, West Africa, and South Africa. We constructed keys to species, drawing from the literature and modifying or expanding them to suit the East African bat fauna. Insofar as possible, we used characters that are visible externally or through cursory cranial or dental inspection. The keys are organized taxonomically: an initial key to the 10 families of bats in East Africa directs the user to separate keys for each family and, in the case of Molossidae and Vespertilionidae, to separate keys for the more diverse genera. Each key is flanked by a brief introduction, a measurement table containing the ranges of various external and cranial measurements (in some cases augmented by salient diagnostic characters), and individual species accounts. The latter contain scientific and common names, type locality and description, geographic range, and current conservation status as determined by IUCN in 2011. Species of certain vespertilionids are too subtly distinguished and/or incompletely documented to be identified with our keys; additional studies of tragus size and shape, bacular morphology, and call notes will be needed to resolve these species. We conclude with accounts for species that we excluded from the East African fauna (with our rationales) and a list of species that may eventually be added to the East African fauna.
JournalFieldiana Life and Earth Sciences
PublisherBioOne (Field Museum of Natural History)

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    by J E Gray
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    by J E Gray
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    by J E Gray
    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866 pages 211 (1866)
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    by P A Gray;B Fenton;V. Van Cakenberghe
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    by D C D Happold;M Happold
    Nyala 14 pages 89--112 (1989)
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    by D L Harrison
    Mammalia 21 pages 1--8 (1957)
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    by D L Harrison
    Durban Museum Novitates 5 pages 261--267 (1960)
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    by R W Hayman
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 10 19 pages 530--531 (1937)
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    by R W Hayman
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 11 5 pages 219--224 (1939)
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    by R W Hayman
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 14 109 pages 71--73 (1947)
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    by R W Hayman
    Revue de Zoologie et Botanie Africaines 56 pages 41--45 (1957)
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    by R W Hayman
    Publicões Culturais da Companhia de Diamantes Angola, Lisboa 66 pages 81--140 (1963)
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    by R W Hayman;E Hill
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    by R W Hayman;X Misonne;W Verheyen
    Annales-Musee Royal de l'Afrique Central, Sciences Zoologiques, series 8 154 pages 1--105 (1966)
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    by L R Heaney;D. S. Balete, E. A. Rickart, P. A. Alviola, M. R. M. Duya, M. V. Duya, M. J. Veluz, L. Vandervrede;J Steppan
  101. New races of insectivores, bats, and lemurs from British East Africa
    by E Heller
    Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 60 pages 1--13 (1912)
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    by J Hermann
  103. Beiträge zur Fauna der Säugethiere N.O.-Afrika's. I. Chiroptera
    by T Heuglin
    Nova acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 29 pages 1--18 (1861)
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    by T Heuglin
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  105. A new bat of the Rhinolophus philippinensis group from Mount Ruwenzori, Africa
    by J E Hill
    American Museum Novitates 1180 pages 1--2 (1942)
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  106. A revision of the genus Hipposideros
    by J E Hill
    Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology 11 pages 1--129 (1963)
    • 1291
    • 2340907
  107. Bats from the Cameroons, with the description of a new species of Pipistrellus
    by J E Hill
    Bonner zoologische Beiträge 19 pages 43--48 (1968)
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    by J E Hill;P Morris
    Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology 21 pages 25--49 (1971)
    • 65964
  109. Echolocation signal structure in the megachiropteran bat Rousettus aegyptiacus Geoffroy 1810
    by R A Holland;A Waters;V Rayner
    Journal of Experimental Biology 207 pages 4361--4369 (2004)
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  110. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference
    by J H Honacki;E Kinman;W Koeppl
  111. Molecules, morphometrics and new fossils provide an integrated view of the evolutionary history of Rhinopomatidae (Mammalia: Chiroptera)
    by P Hulva;I. Horáček;P Benda
    BMC Evolutionary Biology 7 pages 165 (2007)
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  112. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
    by Iucn
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    by F A Jentink
    Notes from the Leyden Museum 1 pages 125--128 (1879)
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    by F A Jentink
    Notes from the Leyden Museum 10 pages 50--58 (1888)
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  115. Bats, clocks, and rocks: Diversification patterns in Chiroptera
    by K E Jones;P Bininda-Emonds;L Gittleman
    Evolution 59 pages 2243--2255 (2005)
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  116. Taxonomic review of Miniopterus minor Peters, 1867 (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from western central Africa
    by J Juste;C. Ibáñez
    Bonner zoologische Beiträge 43 pages 355--365 (1992)
  117. Systematic revision of southern African species in the genera Eptesicus, Hypsugo, Neoromicia and Pipistrellus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
    by T C Kearney
  118. Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of Eptesicus hottentotus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and reidentification of some museum voucher specimens
    by T C Kearney;V. Van Cakenberghe, E. C. J. Seamark, C. Ndhlovu;L Cohen
    Annals of the Transvaal Museum 45 pages 127--134 (2008)
  119. The Animal Kingdom, or Zoological System, of the Celebrated Sir Charles Linnaeus; Class I: Mammalia
    by R Kerr
  120. East African Mammals. An Atlas of Evolution in Africa. 2A. Insectivores and Bats
    by J Kingdon
  121. East African Bat Atlas
    by R M Kityo;K. Howell, M. Nakibuka, W. Ngalason, H. Tushabe;P Webala
  122. Small Mammals of Uganda, Bonner Zoologische Monographien 55
    by R M Kityo;J. C. K. Peterhans, M. H. Huhndorf;R Hutterer
  123. Identity of the African Vespertilio hesperida Temminck 1840 (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)
    by D Kock
    Senckenbergiana Biologica 81 pages 277--284 (2001)
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    by D Kock;L. Barnett, J. Fahr;C Emms
    Acta Chiropterologica 4 pages 77--97 (2002)
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  125. Bats of the Sudan
    by K F Koopman
    Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 154 pages 353--444 (1975)
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    by K F Koopman
    American Museum Novitates 2946 pages 1--11 (1989)
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    by K F Koopman
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    by K F Koopman;P Kofron;A Chapman
    American Museum Novitates 3148 pages 1--24 (1995)
  129. A new species of long-eared bat (Plecotus; Vespertilionidae, Mammalia) from Ethiopia
    by S V Kruskop;A Lavrenchenko
    Myotis 38 pages 5--17 (2000)
  130. Die deutschen Fledermäuse
    by H Kuhl
    Wetterauische Gesellschaft für die Gesammte Naturkunde zu Hanau 4 pages 11--49 (1817)
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    by T H Kunz;A Diaz
    Biotropica 27 pages 106--120 (1995)
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  132. Rousettus aegyptiacus
    by G G Kwiecinski;A Griffiths
    Mammalian Species 611 pages 1--9 (1999)
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  133. Notes on the bats (Chiroptera) collected by the Joint Ethiopian-Russian Biological Expedition, with remarks on their systematics, distribution, and ecology
    by L A Lavrenchenko;V Kruskop;N Morozov
    Bonner zoologische Beiträge 52 pages 127--147 (2004)
  134. Verzeichniss der Doubletten des Zoologischen Museums der Königlichen Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität, Berlin
    by H Lichtenstein
  135. Otomops martiensseni
    by J K Long
    Mammalian Species 493 pages 1--5 (1995)
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  136. Description of a new bat (Rhinolophus landeri) from Fernando Po, and a new hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor) from Trebizond
    by W Martin
    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1837 pages 101--103 (1838)
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  137. Neue Säugethiere aus den Sammlungen des Herrn Zenker, Stuhlmann und Emin
    by P Matschie
    Sitzungsberichten der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde, Berlin 8 pages 194--206 (1894)
  138. 5. Säugethiere
    by P Matschie
    Archiv für Naturgeschichte 63 pages 81--88 (1897)
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  139. Über rümanische Säugethiere
    by P Matschie
    Sitzungsberichten der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde, Berlin 1901 pages 220--238 (1901)
  140. Eine Art de Gattung Pteropus von der Insel Pemba
    by P Matschie
    Sitzungsberichten der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde, Berlin 8 pages 482--486 (1909)
  141. Molecular species identification boosts bat diversity
    by F Mayer;C Dietz;A Kiefer
    Frontiers in Zoology 4 pages 1--5 (2007)
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  142. Animal Species and Evolution
    by E Mayr
  143. Classification of Mammals: Above the Species Level
    by M C Mckenna;K Bell
  144. A family matter: Conclusive resolution of the taxonomic position of the long-fingered bats, Miniopterus
    by C M Miller-Butterworth;W. J. Murphy, S. J. O'brien, D. S. Jacobs, M. S. Springer;C Teeling
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 24 pages 1553--1561 (2007)
    • 10.1093/molbev/msm076
  145. Observations sur les chauves-souris des îles Seychelles
    by A Milne-Edwards
    Bulletin de Sciences de la Société Philomatique de Paris, series 7 2 pages 221--222 (1877)
    • 127619
  146. A recent inventory of the bats of Mozambique with documentation of seven new species for the country
    by A Monadjem;M. C. Schoeman, A. Reside, D. V. Pio, S. Stoffberg, J. Bayliss, F. P. D. Cotterill, M. Curran, M. Kopp;J Taylor
    Acta Chiropterologica 12 pages 371--391 (2010)
    • 10.3161/150811010X537963
  147. Bats of Southern and Central Africa: A Biogeographic and Taxonomic Synthesis
    by A Monadjem;P. J. Taylor, F. P. D. Cotterill;C Schoeman
  148. Contribution à la mammalogie d'Angola et Prodrome d'une faune d'Angola
    by A Monard
    Arquivos do Museu Bocage 6 pages 1--314 (1935)
  149. On the origin of (Amazonian) species
    by V Morell
    Discover 18 pages 56--64 (1997)
  150. Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Säugethier-Fauna von Ostafrika
    by T Noack
    Zoologische Jahrbücher Abteilung für Systematik Oekologie und Geographie der Tiere 7 pages 523--594 (1893)
    • 102397
  151. Walker's Mammals of the World, 6th ed
    by R M Nowak
  152. Mr. Ogilby exhibited several rare and undescribed species of Mammalia and birds, brought from the Gambia …
    by W Ogilby
    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1835 pages 97--107 (1835)
  153. Megaloglossus Woermanni nov. gen. et spec
    by H A Pagenstecher
    Zoologischer Anzeiger 8 pages 245 (1885)
  154. The ‘species alias’ problem
    by B D Patterson
    Nature 380 pages 589 (1996)
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  155. Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mossambique: Auf Befehl Seiner Majestät des Königs Friedrich Wilhelm IV, in den Jahren 1842 bis 1848 ausgeführt
    by W Peters
  156. Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Chiropteren
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1859 pages 222--229 (1859)
  157. Über einige neue oder weniger bekannte Flederthiere
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1866 pages 16--25 (1867)
  158. Übersicht der aus dem Nachlafs des Baron Carl von der Decken stammenden und auf seiner ostafrikanischen Reise gesammelten Säugethiere und Amphibien
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1866 pages 884--892 (1867)
  159. Über Flederthiere und Amphibien
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1867 pages 703--712 (1868)
  160. Fortsetzung und den Schlufs einer Übersicht der Flederhunde
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1867 pages 865--872 (1868)
  161. Las Bemerkungen über neue oder weniger bekannte Flederthiere, besonders des Pariser Museums
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1869 pages 391--406 (1869)
  162. Lista de mammiferos das possessões portuguezas da Africa occidental e diagnoses de algumas especies novas
    by W Peters
    Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes, Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, series 1 3 pages 123--127 (1870)
    • 129455
  163. Über die Arten der Chiropteren-gattung Megaderma
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1872 pages 192--196 (1872)
  164. Über neue Flederthiere (Phyllorhina micropus, Harpyiocephalus Huttonii, Murina grisea, Vesperugo micropus, Vesperus (Marsipolaemus) albigularis, Vesperus propinquus, tenuipinnis)
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1872 pages 256--264 (1872)
    • 129505
  165. Über einige zu der Gattung Cynonycteris gehörige Arten Flederhunde und über Megaderma cor
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1873 pages 485--488 (1873)
  166. Über die von J. M. Hildebrandt während seiner letzten ostafrikanischen Reise gesammelten Säugethiere und Amphibien
    by W Peters
    Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1878 pages 194--209 (1878)
    • 100202
  167. The first known female of the African long-eared bat Laephotis wintoni (Vespertilionidae: Chiroptera)
    by R L Peterson
    Canadian Journal of Zoology 51 pages 601--603 (1973)
    • 10.1139/z73-086
  168. A new species of Glauconycteris from the east coast of Kenya (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
    by R L Peterson
    Canadian Journal of Zoology 60 pages 2521--2525 (1982)
    • 10.1139/z82-321
  169. Mammifères: Chiroptères
    by R L Peterson;L Eger;L Mitchell
    Faune de Madagascar 84 pages 1--204 (1995)
  170. A new species of Glauconycteris (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera)
    by R L Peterson;A Smith
    Royal Ontario Museum, Life Sciences Occasional Papers 22 pages 1--12 (1973)
    • 10.5962/bhl.title.60686
    • 104579
  171. Scotonycteris ophiodon sp. n., eine neue Art epomophoroider Flughunde
    by H Pohle
    Sitzungsberichten der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde, Berlin 1943 pages 78--87 (1943)
  172. Precis des decouvertes et travaux somiologiques
    by C S Rafinesque
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  173. Analyse de la nature, ou tableau de l'univers et des corps organisés
    by C S Rafinesque
  174. Annual synopsis of new genera and species of animals, plants &c. discovered in North America
    by C S Rafinesque
    Annals of Nature 1 pages 1--20 (1820)
  175. Glauconycteris variegata (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
    by D A Rambaldini
    Mammalian Species pages 251--258 (2010)
    • 10.1644/870.1
  176. Taxonomic identification and history of Scotophilus nigrita (Schreber) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
    by C B Robbins
    Journal of Mammalogy 59 pages 212--213 (1978)
    • 10.2307/1379901
  177. A new high forest species in the African bat genus Scotophilus (Vespertilionidae)
    by C B Robbins
    Annales du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Sciences zoologiques 237 pages 19--24 (1983)
  178. A systematic revision of the African bat genus Scotophilus (Vespertilionidae)
    by C B Robbins;F. De Vree;V. Van Cakenberghe
    Annales du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Sciences Zoologiques, Tervueren, Belgium 246 pages 51--84 (1985)
  179. Description of two new species of a new subgenus of bats and a new species of molerats
    by A Roberts
    Annals of the Transvaal Museum 6 pages 4--6 (1917)
    • 10499/AJ2963
  180. Descriptions of some new mammals
    by A Roberts
    Annals of the Transvaal Museum 6 pages 112--115 (1919)
    • 10499/AJ2956
  181. Some additions to the list of South African mammals
    by A Roberts
    Annals of the Transvaal Museum 10 pages 59--76 (1924)
    • 10499/AJ2891
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    by A Roberts
    Annals of the Transvaal Museum 11 pages 245--263 (1926)
    • 10499/AJ2853
  183. The bat community of the Rabi Oilfield in the Gamba Complex of protected areas, Gabon
    by R M Rodriguez;F. Hoffmann, C. A. Porter;R Baker
    Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 12 pages 365--370 (2006)
  184. The Bats of West Africa
    by D Rosevear
  185. Beschreibung mahrerer neuer Säugethiere in der Sammlung der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft befindlich
    by Rüppell, E
    Museum Senckenbergianum 3 pages 129--155 (1842)
  186. Descriptions and records of African bats
    by C C Sanborn
    Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series 20 pages 107--114 (1936)
  187. Mormopterus Whitleyi—a new species of bat from W. Africa
    by R F Scharff
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 6 pages 569--570 (1900)
    • 10.1080/00222930008678425
  188. The status of the world's land and marine mammals: Diversity, threat and knowledge
    by J Schipper;J. S. Chanson, F. Chiozza, N. A. Cox, M. Hoffmann, V. Katariya, J. Lamoreux, A. S. L. Rodrigues, S. N. Stuart, H. J. Temple, J. Baillie, L. Boitani, T. E. Lacher Jr;R. A. Mittermeier, A. T. Smith, D. Absolon, J. M. Aguiar, G. Amori, N. Bakkour, R. Baldi, R. J. Berridge, J. Bielby, P. A. Black, J. J. Blanc, T. M. Brooks, J. A. Burton, T. M. Butynski, G. Catullo, R. Chapman, Z. Cokeliss, B. Collen, J. Conroy, J. G. Cooke, G. A. B. D. Fonseca, A. E. Derocher, H. T. Dublin, J. W. Duckworth, L. Emmons, R. H. Emslie, M. Festa-Bianchet, M. Foster, S. Foster, D. L. Garshelis, C. Gates, M. Gimenez-Dixon, S. Gonzalez, J. F. Gonzalez-Maya, T. C. Good, G. Hammerson, P. S. Hammond, D. Happold, M. Happold, J. Hare, R. B. Harris, C. E. Hawkins, M. Haywood, L. R. Heaney, S. Hedges, K. M. Helgen, C. Hilton-Taylor, S. A. Hussain, N. Ishii, T. A. Jefferson, R. K. B. Jenkins, C. H. Johnston, M. Keith, J. Kingdon, D. H. Knox, K. M. Kovacs, P. Langhammer, K. Leus, R. Lewison, G. Lichtenstein, L. F. Lowry, Z. Macavoy, G. M. Mace, D. P. Mallon, M. Masi, M. W. Mcknight, R. A. Medellín, P. Medici, G. Mills, P. D. Moehlman, S. Molur, A. Mora, K. Nowell, J. F. Oates, W. Olech, W. R. L. Oliver, M. Oprea, B. D. Patterson, W. F. Perrin, B. A. Polidoro, C. Pollock, A. Powel, Y. Protas, P. Racey, J. Ragle, P. Ramani, G. Rathbun, R. R. Reeves, S. B. Reilly, J. E. Reynolds Iii, C. Rondinini, R. G. Rosell-Ambal, M. Rulli, A. B. Rylands, S. Savini, C. J. Schank, W. Sechrest, C. Self-Sullivan, A. Shoemaker, C. Sillero-Zubiri, N. D. Silva, D. E. Smith, C. Srinivasulu, P. J. Stephenson, N. V. Strien, B. K. Talukdar, B. L. Taylor, R. Timmins, D. G. Tirira, M. F. Tognelli, K. Tsytsulina, L. M. Veiga, J-C. Vié, E. A. Williamson, S. A. Wyatt, Y. Xie;E Young
    Science 322 pages 225--230 (2008)
    • 10.1126/science.1165115
  189. Die Säugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen von D. Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber, Vol. 1
    by J C D Schreber
    • 10.5962/bhl.title.44812
  190. Die Säugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen von D. Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber, Vol. 1
    by J C D Schreber
  191. Die Säugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen von D. Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber, Vol. 1
    by J C D Schreber
  192. Sobre um caracter importante para a determinação dos generos e especies dos “microchiropteros” e lista das especies d'este grupo existentes nas collecções do Museu Nacional
    by A F Seabra
    Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes, Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, series 2 6 pages 23 (1900)
  193. New bats of the genus Laephotis from Africa (Mammalia: Chiroptera)
    by H W Setzer
    Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 84 pages 259--264 (1971)
    • 65886
  194. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3rd ed
    by N B Simmons
  195. Proceedings of the 15th International Bat Research Conference, August, 2010
    by N B Simmons
  196. Contributions to the natural history of South Africa, &c
    by A Smith
    Zoological Journal 4 pages 433--444 (1829)
  197. African zoology
    by A Smith
    South African Quarterly Journal 2 pages 49--64 (1833)
  198. Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa
    by A Smith
    Mammalia (1847)
  199. Body mass of late Quaternary mammals
    by F A Smith;S. K. Lyons, S. K. M. Ernest, K. E. Jones, D. M. Kaufman, T. Dayan, P. A. Marquet, J. H. Brown;P Haskell
    Ecology 84 pages 3403 (2003)
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  200. Phylogeny of African Myotis bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) inferred from cytochrome-b sequences
    by B Stadelmann;D. S. Jacobs, C. Schoeman;M Ruedi
    Acta Chiropterologica 6 pages 177--192 (2004)
    • 10.3161/001.006.0201
  201. A new species of Mops (Molossidae) from Pemba Island, Tanzania
    by W T Stanley
    Acta Chiropterologica 10 pages 183--192 (2008)
    • 10.3161/150811008X414773
  202. Mammals of Tanzania
    by W T Stanley
  203. A survey of the small mammals of Minziro Forest, Tanzania, with several additions to the known fauna of the country
    by W T Stanley;H Foley
    Mammalia 72 pages 116 (2008)
    • 10.1515/MAMM.2008.015
  204. New records and notes on Laephotis Thomas, 1901 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
    by W T Stanley;D Kock
    Mammalian Biology 69 pages 173--181 (2004)
    • 10.1078/1616-5047-00132
  205. Statistica (data analysis software system), version 7.1
    by Statsoft Inc
  206. Om Professor J. Hedenborgs insamlingar af Däggdjur i Nordöstra Africa och Arabien
    by C J Sundevall
    Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlinger 1842 pages 189--244 (1843)
  207. Nya Mammalia från Sydafrika
    by C J Sundevall
    Öfversigt af Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-akademiens Handlingar pages 118--121 (1846)
  208. Taxonomic notes on dark-winged house bats of the genus Scotoecus Thomas 1901, in Malawi
    by P J Taylor;M. Van Der Merwe
    Durban Museum Novitates 23 pages 64--66 (1998)
  209. Microbat paraphyly and the convergent evolution of a key innovation in Old World rhinolophoid microbats
    by E C Teeling;O. Madsen, R. A. Van Den Bussche, W. W. D. Jong, M. J. Stanhope;S Springer
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 99 pages 1431--1436 (2002)
    • 10.1073/pnas.022477199
  210. Enumerationem Mammalium Capensium
    by C J Temminck
  211. Monographies des Mammalogie, ou Description de Quelques Genres de Mammifères, dont les Espèces ont Été Observées dans les Diffèrens Musées de l'Europe II (2): 49–140
    by C J Temminck
  212. Monographies de Mammalogie, ou Description de Quelques Genres de Mammifères, dont les Espèces ont Été Observées dans les Différens Musées de l'Europe, Vol. 2
    by C J Temminck
  213. Esquisses Zoologiques sur la Côte de Guiné. I. Mammifères
    by C J Temminck
  214. A study of the baculum in the genus Nycteris (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Nycteridae) with consideration of its taxonomic importance
    by N M Thomas;L Harrison;J Bates
    Bonner zoologische Beiträge 45 pages 17--31 (1994)
  215. On bats from old Calabar
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 5 6 pages 164--167 (1880)
    • 10.1080/00222938009458914
    • 93756
  216. Description of a new bat from the Gambia
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 6 3 pages 362--364 (1889)
    • 10.1080/00222938909460347
    • 88627
  217. Description of a new Scotophilus from the Gambia, with remarks on some of the allied species
    by O Thomas
    Annali di Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova, series 2a 9 pages 84--88 (1890)
  218. Descriptions of three new bats in the British Museum Collection
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 6 7 pages 527--530 (1891)
    • 10.1080/00222939109460659
    • 51839
  219. Preliminary diagnoses of four new mammals from East Africa
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 6 7 pages 303--304 (1891)
    • 10.1080/00222939109460614
    • 88347
  220. A new scotophiline bat from British East Africa, with the description of a new genus of the group
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 7 pages 263--265 (1901)
    • 10.1080/00222930108678468
  221. New species of Macroscelides and Glauconycteris
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 8 pages 255--257 (1901)
    • 10.1080/03745480109442917
  222. On a new genus and species of vespertilionine bat from British East Africa
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 7 pages 460--462 (1901)
    • 10.1080/00222930108678499
    • 86755
  223. Some new African bats (including one from the Azores) and a new galago
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 8 pages 27--34 (1901)
    • 10.1080/03745480109443322
  224. On the mammals collected during the Whitaker expedition to Tripoli
    by O Thomas
    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 2 pages 2--13 (1902)
    • 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1902.tb08215.x
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  225. Three new bats from the Cameroons, discovered by Mr. G. L. Bates
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 12 pages 633--635 (1903)
    • 10.1080/00222930309487045
  226. Three new species of Nyctinomus
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 12 pages 501--505 (1903)
    • 10.1080/00222930308678887
    • 87154
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  227. New bats and rodents from West Africa, the Malay Peninsula, and Papuasia
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 14 pages 196--202 (1904)
    • 10.1080/03745480409442993
    • 107726
  228. New bats from British East Africa collected by Mrs. Hinde and from the Cameroons by Mr. G. L. Bates
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 13 pages 206--210 (1904)
    • 10.1080/00222930408678899
  229. Mammals obtained in the island of Fernando Po by Mr. E. Seimund
    by O Thomas
    Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London pages 12 (1904)
    • 10.1080/03745480409442993
    • 107726
  230. Descriptions of new mammals from Mount Ruwenzori
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 7 18 pages 136--147 (1906)
    • 10.1080/00222930608562587
  231. New African mammals
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 8 4 pages 542--549 (1909)
    • 10.1080/00222930908692715
    • 97677
  232. New African small mammals in the British Museum collection
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 8 4 pages 98--112 (1909)
    • 10.1080/00222930908692647
  233. A new genus of fruit-bat and two new shrews from Africa
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 8 6 pages 111--114 (1910)
    • 10.1080/00222931008692827
  234. Mammals from the Ja River, Cameroons
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 8 10 pages 41--43 (1912)
    • 10.1080/00222931208693195
  235. Two new West-African mammals
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 8 10 pages 280--282 (1912)
    • 10.1080/00222931208693237
    • 97677
  236. On African bats and shrews
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 8 11 pages 314--321 (1913)
    • 10.1080/00222931308693331
    • 66064
    • 18635875
  237. On some specimens of Glauconycteris from the Cameroons
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 8 11 pages 144--145 (1913)
    • 10.1080/00222931308693299
  238. A new Taphozous from the Sudan
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 9 5 pages 142--144 (1920)
    • 10.1080/00222932008632353
  239. On mammals from Ovamboland and the Cunene River, obtained during Captain Shortridge's third Percy Sladen and Kaffrarian Museum Expedition into South-west Africa
    by O Thomas
    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 96 pages 285--312 (1926)
    • 10.1111/j.1096-3642.1926.tb01549.x
  240. A new bat of the genus Myotis from Abyssinia
    by O Thomas
    Annals & Magazine of Natural History, series 9 19 pages 554--555 (1927)
    • 10.1080/00222932708655532
  241. The Rudd exploration of South Africa. IV. List of mammals obtained by Mr. Grant at Knysna
    by O Thomas;H Schwann
    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1906 pages 159--168 (1906)
    • 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1906.tb08427.x
  242. Small Mammals of Uganda. Bonner Zoologische Monographien 55
    by E Thorn;J. C. Kerbis Peterhans;J Baranga
  243. A monograph of the Genus Kerivoula
    by R F Tomes
    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1858 pages 322--338 (1858)
    • 99675
  244. A monograph of the genus Epomophorus, with the description of a new species
    by R F Tomes
    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1860 pages 42--58 (1860)
  245. Notes on a collection of bats made by Mr. Anderson in the Damara country, South-West Africa, with notices of some other African species
    by R F Tomes
    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1861 pages 31--40 (1861)
  246. Catalogus Mammalium tam Viventium quam Fossilium, Tomus I, Vol. 1
    by E-L Trouessart
  247. Morphologically uniform bats Hipposideros aff. ruber (Hipposideridae) exhibit high mitochondrial genetic diversity in southeastern Senegal
    by P Vallo;P. Benda, N. Martínková, P. Kanuch, E. K. V. Kalko, J. Cervený;P Koubek
    Acta Chiropterologica 13 pages 79--88 (2011)
    • 10.3161/150811011X578633
  248. Yellow-bellied or white-bellied? Identity of Arabian house bats (Vespertilionidae: Scotophilus) revealed from mitochondrial DNA and morphology
    by P Vallo;P Benda;A Reiter
    African Zoology 46 pages 350--361 (2011)
    • 10.3377/004.046.0214
  249. Variation of mitochondrial DNA reveals high cryptic diversity in Hipposideros caffer complex
    by P Vallo;A. Guillén-Servent, P. Benda, D. B. Pires;P Koubek
    Acta Chiropterologica 10 pages 193--206 (2008)
    • 10.3161/150811008X414782
  250. Proceedings of the International Symposium on African Vertebrates
    by Van Cakenberghe, V;F. De Vree
  251. A revision of Rhinopomatidae Dobson 1872, with the description of a new subspecies (Mammalia: Chiroptera)
    by Van Cakenberghe, V;F. De Vree
    Senckenbergiana Biologica 73 pages 1--24 (1994)
  252. Systematics of African Nycteris (Mammalia: Chiroptera) Part III. The Nycteris thebaica group
    by Van Cakenberghe, V;F. De Vree
    Bonner zoologische Beiträge 48 pages 123--166 (1998)
  253. Karyotype comparison and phylogenetic relationships of Pipistrellus-like bats (Vespertilionidae; Chiroptera; Mammalia)
    by M Volleth;G. Bronner, M. C. Göpfert, K-G. Heller, O. V. Helversen;H-S. Yong
    Chromosome Research 9 pages 25--46 (2001)
    • 10.1023/A:1026787515840
  254. Phylogenetic relationships of vespertilionid genera (Mammalia: Chiroptera) as revealed by karyological analysis
    by M Volleth;K-G. Heller
    Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 32 pages 11--34 (1994)
    • 10.1111/j.1439-0469.1994.tb00467.x
  255. Phylogenetic relationships of three “Nycticeiini” genera (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera, Mammalia) as revealed by karyological analysis
    by M Volleth;K-G. Heller;J Fahr
    Mammalian Biology 71 pages 1--12 (2006)
    • 10.1016/j.mambio.2005.09.001
  256. Lavia frons
    by M J Vonhof;C Kalcounis
    Mammalian Species 614 pages 1--4 (1999)
    • 10.2307/3504530
  257. Diagnosen einiger neuen Arten von Nagern und Handflügern
    by A Wagner
    Archiv für Naturgeschichte 11 pages 145--149 (1845)
  258. A Rapid Biological Assessment of the Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Eastern Ghana. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment, Vol. 47
    by N Weber;J Fahr
  259. by Wikipedia
    • 10.1145/1940721
  260. Bat Ecology
    by M R Willig;D Patterson;D Stevens
  261. Chaerephon nigeriae
    by C K R Willis;M Psyllakis;H Sleep
    Mammalian Species 710 pages 1--3 (2002)
    • 10.1644/1545-1410(2002)710<0001:CN>2.0.CO;2
  262. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3rd ed
    by D E Wilson;M Reeder
  263. Geographische Geschichte des Menschen, und der allgemein verbreiteten vierfüssigen Thiere, Vol. 2
    by E A G Zimmermann
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.