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Title | Generic switch-over during ontogenesis in Dimorphacanthella gen. n. (Collembola, Isotomidae) with barcoding evidence |
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Author(s) | Mikhail Potapov Yun Bu Cheng-Wang Huang Yan Gao Yun-Xia Luan |
Journal | ZooKeys |
ISSN | 1313-2989 |
Volume | 73 |
Pages | 13--23 |
DOI | 10.3897/zookeys.73.837 |
PMC | PMC3088455 |
PMID | 21594049 |
ZooBank | 4c681b2d-63fb-4ff0-9828-c04057c7bb0f | | |
SHA1 | 994dc1ff423c53d9dc0095da5f76681ffe4a06d4 |
Year | 2010 |
Citation |
Studies in Liocranidae (Araneae): redescriptions and transfers in Apostenus Westring and Brachyanillus Simon, as well as description of a new genus.
by J BosselaersZootaxa 2141 pages 37--55 (2009)Studies in Corinnidae: transfer of four genera and description of the female of Lessertina mutica Lawrence 1942.
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Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.