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TitleA taxonomic study of Chinese Cicadellidae (Homoptera)
PublisherTianze Eldonejo
No references are available for this publication
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. A new genus and species in the tribe Empoascini (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae) from China
    by Si-Han Lu;Dao-Zheng Qin
    ZooKeys 386 pages 85--91 (2014)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.386.7020
  2. Review of the Chinese leafhopper genus Parazyginella Chou & Zhang (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae, Zyginellini) with description of a new species
    ZooKeys 183 pages 17--22 (2012)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.183.2229
    • PMC3332025
    • 22573946
    • eb495e55-668e-4128-9b08-654c0d643458
  3. A new species and new records of the leafhopper genus Taperus Li & Wang, 1994 (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Evacanthinae) from China
    by Yu-Jian Li;Zizhong Li
    ZooKeys 120 pages 1--8 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.120.1373
    • 66ef85ad-9939-4ac4-9dcc-754d5ba4306b
  4. Two new species of Membranacea Qin & Zhang from China (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae, Empoascini)
    by Yu Fei;Maofa Yang
    ZooKeys 260 pages 77--83 (2013)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.260.4560
    • c8176164-efe6-496c-8638-a32a68e69d11