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TitleA review of the Nearctic genus Prostoia (Ricker) (Plecoptera, Nemouridae), with the description of a new species and a surprising range extension for P. hallasi Kondratieff & Kirchner
PublisherPensoft Publishers
  1. Catalogue of the neuropteroid insects (except Odonata) of the U. S.
    by N Banks
    • Revision of the stonefly family Nemouridae (Plecoptera): a study of the world fauna at the generic level.
      by RW Baumann
      Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 211 pages 1--74 (1975)
      • 10.5479/si.00810282.211
      • 10088/5284
    • The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains.
      by RW Baumann;AR Gaufin;RF Surdick
      Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 31 pages 1--208 (1977)
      • New species of North American Plecoptera.
        by PW Claassen
        Canadian Entomologist 55 pages 281--292 (1923)
        • 10.4039/Ent55279-12
      • Updates to the stonefly fauna of Illinois and Indiana.
        by RE DeWalt;SA Grubbs
        Illiesia 7 pages 31--50 (2011)
        • Plecoptera species file online. Version 5.0/5.0
          by RE DeWalt;MD Maehr;U Neu-Becker;G Steuber
          • Growth and drift of nine stonefly species (Plecoptera) in an Oklahoma Ozark foothills stream, and conformation to regression models.
            by MR Ernst;KW Stewart
            Annals of the Entomological Society of America 78 pages 635--646 (1985a)
            • Emergence patterns and an assessment of collecting methods for adult stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Ozark foothills stream.
              by MR Ernst;KW Stewart
              Canadian Journal of Zoology 63 pages 2962--2968 (1985b)
              • Microdistribution of eight stonefly species (Plecoptera) in relation to organic matter in an Ozark foothills stream.
                by MR Ernst;KW Stewart
                Aquatic Insects 8 pages 237--254 (1986)
                • Critical thermal maxima of nymphs of three Plecoptera species from an Ozark foothill stream.
                  by MR Ernst;TL Beitinger;KW Stewart
                  Freshwater Invertebrate Biology 3 pages 80--85 (1984)
                  • New records, zoogeographic notes, and a revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland.
                    by SA Grubbs
                    Transactions of American Entomological Society 123 pages 71--84 (1997)
                    • Michigan Plecoptera (Stoneflies): distribution patterns and an updated state species list.
                      by SA Grubbs;M Pessino;RE DeWalt
                      Illiesia 8 pages 162--173 (2012)
                      • Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America: with a list of South American species.
                        by HA Hagen
                        Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 4 pages 1--347 (1861)
                        • Aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Strawberry River System in north-central Arkansas.
                          by GL Harp;HW Robison
                          Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 60 pages 46--61 (2006)
                          • Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, USA: distribution and zoogeographic affinities.
                            by BO Huntsman;RW Baumann;BC Kondratieff
                            Great Basin Naturalist 59 pages 1--17 (1999)
                            • Tierreich
                              by J Illies
                              • Checklist of Endangered and Threatened Animals and Plants of Illinois
                                by Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board
                                • Annual stonefly (Plecoptera) production in a second order Oklahoma Ozark stream.
                                  by KM Jop;KW Stewart
                                  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 6 pages 26--34 (1987)
                                  • A new species of Nemouridae (Plecoptera) from the Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia, USA.
                                    by BC Kondratieff;RF Kirchner
                                    Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 86 pages 578--581 (1984)
                                    • 55508
                                  • A review of stonefly records (Plecoptera: Hexapoda) of North Carolina and South Carolina.
                                    by BC Kondratieff;RF Kirchner;DR Lenat
                                    Brimleyana 23 pages 25--40 (1995)
                                    • The mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies (Plecoptera), and caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Adirondack Park (New York State).
                                      by LM Myers;BC Kondratieff;TB Mihuc;DE Ruiter
                                      Transactions of the American Entomological Society 137 pages 63--140 (2011)
                                      • A monograph of the Plecoptera or stoneflies of America north of Mexico.
                                        by JG Needham;PW Claassen
                                        Thomas Say Foundation, Entomological Society of America Monograph 2 pages 1--386 (1925)
                                        • Habitat type and seasonal effects on the distribution and density of Plecoptera in Ozark streams, Arkansas.
                                          by EC Phillips;RV Kilambi
                                          Annals of the Entomological Society of America 87 pages 321--326 (1994)
                                          • Stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera).
                                            by BP Poulton;KW Stewart
                                            Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 13 pages 1--116 (1991)
                                            • 118804
                                          • Notes on specimens of American Plecoptera in European collections.
                                            by WE Ricker
                                            Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute 22 pages 129--156 (1938)
                                            • Systematic studies in Plecoptera.
                                              by WE Ricker
                                              Indiana University Publication Science Series 18 pages 1--200 (1952)
                                              • Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma.
                                                by BP Stark;KW Stewart
                                                Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 46 pages 563--577 (1973)
                                                • 25081486
                                              • Scientific and common names of stoneflies of Nearctic stoneflies (Plecoptera), with corrections and additions to the list.
                                                by BP Stark;KW Stewart;SW Szczytko;RW Baumann;BC Kondratieff
                                                The Caddis Press, Miscellaneous Contributions 1 pages 1--20 (2012)
                                                • The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Alaska and western Canada.
                                                  by KW Stewart;MW Oswood
                                                  • Insects of the Yukon. Biological Survey of Canada Monograph
                                                    by KW Stewart;WE Ricker
                                                    • The Great Dismal Swamp in Myth and Legend.
                                                      by W Traylor
                                                      • The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change.
                                                        by DW Webb
                                                        Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 36 pages 195--274 (2002)
                                                        • Insecta: Plecoptera. Phylogenetisches System und Katalog.
                                                          by P Zwick
                                                          Das Tierreich 94 (1973)
                                                          Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.