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TitleThree new species and reassessment of the rare Neotropical ant genus Leptanilloides (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Leptanilloidinae)
PMC PMC3208428
PMID 22140337
ZooBank df225364-4085-4c20-bbd5-ac534179d3dd
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      • Evolution of the army ant syndrome: the origin and long-term evolutionary stasis of a complex of behavioral and reproductive adaptations.
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                • Rediscovery of the ant genus Amyrmex Kusnezov (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and its transfer from Dolichoderinae to Leptanilloidinae.
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                  • A revision of male ants of the Malagasy region (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): key to genera of the subfamily Dolichoderinae.
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                    Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.