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TitleThe semi-aquatic freshwater earthworms of the genus Glyphidrilus Horst, 1889 from Thailand (Oligochaeta, Almidae) with re-descriptions of several species
ZooBank dcfc4448-4a60-4991-b3f7-daea77d03fe2
PublisherPensoft Publishers
  1. New earthworm species of the genus Amynthas Kinberg, 1867 from Thailand (Clitellata, Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae).
    by U Bantaowong;R Chanabun;P Tongkerd;C Sutcharit;SW James;S Panha
    ZooKeys 90 pages 35--62 (2011a)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.90.1121
    • 3084491
    • 21594106
  2. A New Species of the Terrestrial Earthworm of the Genus Metaphire Sims and Easton, 1972 from Thailand with Redescription of Some Species.
    by U Bantaowong;R Chanabun;P Tongkerd;C Sutcharit;SW James;S Panha
    Tropical Natural History 11 pages 55--69 (2011b)
    • A monograph of the Order of Oligochaeta.
      by FE Beddard
      • 10.5962/bhl.title.28557
    • Aquatic Oligochaeta of the World.
      by RO Brinkhurst;BGM Jamieson
      • A new species of semi-aquatic freshwater earthworm of the genus Glyphidrilus Horst, 1889 from Laos (Oligochaeta: Almidae).
        by R Chanabun;U Bantaowong;C Sutcharit;P Tongkerd;K Inkavilay;SW James;S Panha
        Tropical Natural History 11 pages 213--222 (2011)
        • A new species of semi-aquatic freshwater earthworms of the genus Glyphidrilus Horst, 1889 from the Mekong River (Oligochaeta: Almidae).
          by R Chanabun;U Bantaowong;C Sutcharit;P Tongkerd;SW James;S Panha
          Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 60 pages 265--277 (2012a)
          • Three new species of semi-aquatic freshwater earthworms of the genus Glyphidrilus Horst, 1889 from Malaysia (Clitellata: Oligochaeta: Almidae).
            by R Chanabun;C Sutcharit;P Tongkerd;AT Shau-Hwai;S Panha
            Zootaxa 3458 pages 120--132 (2012b)
            • On some new earthworms from China II.
              by Y Chen;ZF Xu
              Acta Zoologica Sinica 23 pages 175--181 (1977)
              • Oligochaeta from Hainan, Kwangtung.
                by Y Chen
                Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China (Zoology) 12 pages 375--475 (1938)
                • A contribution to our knowledge of the Oligochaeta of Travancore.
                  by DM Cognetti
                  Annals and magazine of natural history 7 pages 494--506 (1911)
                  • 10.1080/00222931108692969
                • Biology and Ecology of Earthworms.
                  by CA Edwards;PJ Bohlen
                  • Notes on earthworms from various places in the Province of Burma, with descriptions of two new species.
                    by GE Gates
                    Recoreds of the Indian Musuem part III 28 pages 141--170 (1926)
                    • The earthworms of Burma I.
                      by GE Gates
                      Recoreds of the Indian Musuem part III 32 pages 257--356 (1930)
                      • The earthworms of Burma II.
                        by GE Gates
                        Recoreds of the Indian Musuem part IV 33 pages 327--442 (1931)
                        • The earthworms of Burma IV.
                          by GE Gates
                          Recoreds of the Indian Musuem part IV 35 pages 413--606 (1933)
                          • On some Earthworms from Ceylon II.
                            by GE Gates
                            Spolia Zeylanica 24 pages 69--90 (1945)
                            • On Indian and Burmese earthworms of the genus Glyphidrilus .
                              by GE Gates
                              Recoreds of the Indian Musuem parts 1 and 2 53 pages 53--66 (1958)
                              • Burmese earthworms. An introduction to the systematics and biology of megadrile oligochaetes with special reference to the Southeast Asia.
                                by GE Gates
                                Transactions of the American Phlilosophical Society 62 pages 1--326 (1972)
                                • 10.2307/1006214
                              • Occurrence of the earthworm Glyphidrilus annandalei in Gadena River Kalakkad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu.
                                by M Gobi;GS Vijayalakshmi
                                Zoos’ Print Journal 19 pages 1--1443 (2004)
                                • Over eene nieuwe soort order de Lumbricinen door Prof. Max Weber uit nedenl. Indië medegebracht.
                                  by R Horst
                                  Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging 2 pages 1--77 (1889)
                                  • Earthworms from Malay Archipelago. In Max Weber.
                                    by R Horst
                                    Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost Indien 3 pages 28--83 (1893)
                                    • 129111
                                  • Geological Evolution of South-east Asia.
                                    by CS Hutchinson
                                    • by BGM Jamieson
                                      Journal of Natural History 2 pages 387--395 (1968)
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                                    • Neue und wenig bekannte afrikanische Terricolen.
                                      by W Michaelsen
                                      Mittheilungeb aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum 14 pages 1--71 (1897)
                                      • Oligochaeta.
                                        by W Michaelsen
                                        Das Tierreich 10 pages 1--575 (1900)
                                        • Neue Oligochaeten und neue Fundorte alt-bekannter.
                                          by W Michaelsen
                                          Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten 19 pages 1--54 (1902)
                                          • Die Oligochätenfauna der vonderindisch-ceylonischen Region.
                                            by W Michaelsen
                                            Abhandulngen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften 19 pages 1--108 (1910)
                                            • Die Lumbriciden, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der bisher als Familie Glossoscolecidae zusammenfassten Unterfamilien.
                                              by W Michaelsen
                                              Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik 41 pages 1--398 (1918)
                                              • Oligochäten aus dem Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie zu Leiden.
                                                by W Michaelsen
                                                Capita Zoologica 1 pages 1--68 (1922)
                                                • On some points in the anatomy of Glyphidrilus annandalei Michaelsen.
                                                  by KB Nair
                                                  Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 151 pages 39--74 (1938)
                                                  • Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e Regioni vicine, xxv, Moniligastridi, Geoscolecidi ed Eudrilidi (I2).
                                                    by D Rosa
                                                    Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 9 pages 386--400 (1890)
                                                    • Some new species of earthworms belonging to the genus Glyphidrilus .
                                                      by N Rao
                                                      Annals and Magazine of Natural History 9 pages 51--68 (1922)
                                                      • 10.1080/00222932208632640
                                                    • Earthworms.
                                                      by RW Sims;BM Gerard
                                                      • Terrestrial earthworms (Oligochaeta) from Singapore.
                                                        by HP Shen;DCJ Yeo
                                                        The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 53 pages 13--33 (2005)
                                                        • On a collection of Oligochaeta belonging to the Indian Museum.
                                                          by J Stephenson
                                                          Records of the Indian Museum 12 pages 99--354 (1916)
                                                          • 14787
                                                        • Oligochaeta form Manipur, the Laccadive Islands, Mysore and other parts of India.
                                                          by J Stephenson
                                                          Records of the Indian Museum 22 pages 745--768 (1921)
                                                          • 97776
                                                        • A note on some supposed new species of earthworms of the genus Glyphidrilus .
                                                          by J Stephenson
                                                          Annals and Magazine of Natural History 9 pages 387--389 (1922)
                                                          • 10.1080/00222932208632688
                                                        • Oligochaeta. The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma.
                                                          by J Stephenson
                                                          • Oligochaeta of the Siju Cave, Garo Hills, Assam.
                                                            by J Stephenson
                                                            Recoreds of the Indian Musuem 26 pages 127--135 (1924)
                                                            • On some Oligochaeta from Berhala Island in the Straits of Malacca.
                                                              by J Stephenson
                                                              Miscellanea Zoologica Sumatrana 48 pages 1--5 (1930)
                                                              • Note sur I’anatomie de deux especes du genre Perichaeta et essai de classification des Annelides Lombricines.
                                                                by L Vaillant
                                                                Annales des Sciences Naturelles 10 pages 225--256 (1868)
                                                                • Neue und bekannte Regenwürmer (Oligochaeta) aus Ost-Afrika.
                                                                  by A Zicsi
                                                                  Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut 93 pages 17--37 (1996)
                                                                  • Terrestrial oligochaetes of the Aggtelek National Park.
                                                                    by A Zicsi;K Dózsa-Farkas;C Csuzdi
                                                                    Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.