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TitleThe Empidoidea (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark 2. General part. The families Hybotidae, Atelestidae and Microphoridae
JournalFauna Entomologica Scandinavica
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Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. Two new species and one newly recorded species of Elaphropeza Macquart from Taiwan (Diptera, Empididae, Tachydromiinae)
    ZooKeys 203 pages 15--25 (2012)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.203.3284
    • PMC3381697
    • 22773911
    • e2c6d5f0-cb7e-42d0-ac5b-d54ae5b7a8fb
  2. Annotated catalogue of the Haliplidae of China with the description of a new species and new records from China (Coleoptera, Adephaga)
    by Fenglong Jia
    ZooKeys 133 pages 1--17 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.133.1642
    • PMC3208427
    • 22140336
    • 9d9c8b9f-c541-42bf-8439-4ae9864f2469