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TitleNote on brachypterous Stenochiini from China (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) with description of a new species
PublisherPensoft Publishers
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            The Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6 pages 465--484 (1894)
            • 10.1080/00222938009458979
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              by SA de Marseul
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            • New tenebrionid beetles of the tribes Strongyliini, Misolampini and Adeliini (Coleoptera) from northern Vietnam.
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            • Study of Asian Strongyliini (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) VII. Brachypterous Strongyliines.
              by K Masumoto
              Elytra, Tokyo 27 pages 113--125 (1999)
              • Two New Apterous Stenochiines Species from China (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Stenochiini).
                by K Masumoto
                Entomological Review of Japan 61 pages 69--74 (2006)
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              • New Tenebrionid beetles from Taiwan (2). Two new species dedicated to the late Dr. Masataka Satô.
                by K Masumoto;CF Lee;K Akita
                Elytra, Tokyo 35 pages 153--158 (2007)
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              • Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) from Laos and Vietnam, with reclassification of Old World “Doliema”.
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                      by T Nakane
                      Memoirs of the National Science Museum 8 pages 161--172 (1975)
                      • A new species and two new subspecies of the genus Strongylium from Japan (Tenebrionidae).
                        by S Nomura;H Yamazaki
                        Entomological Review of Japan 12 pages 14--16 (1960)
                        • Notes et descriptions.
                          by M Pic
                          Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques 51 pages 1--36 (1928)
                          • Notes on Tenebrionidae from Taiwan and Japan, III. (Coleoptera).
                            by T Shibata
                            Entomological Review of Japan 34 pages 63--74 (1980)
                            • A new record genus of Strongyliini (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) from China, with two new species and two new names.
                              by CX Yuan;GD Ren
                              Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 31 pages 851--854 (2006)
                              Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.