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TitleXV. Descriptions of Malayan Micro-Lepidoptera
JournalLondon Transactions of the Entomological Society
BioStor 50536
PublisherWiley Blackwell (Blackwell Publishing)
Paramorpha gyritis ●                                               
Carposina crypsichola ●                                               
Tortricidae ●                                               
Procalyptis chelophora ●                                               
Tortrix pullatana  ●                                              
Godana simulana  ●                                              
Cacoecia epicyrta  ●                                              
Polemograptis  ●                                              
Cacoecia secura  ●                                              
Homona  ●                                              
Atteria   ●                                             
Schoenotenes paraptera   ●                                             
Atteria stephanitis   ●                                             
Spilonota thalassitis    ●                                            
Argyroploce     ●●                                          
Argyroploce halixanta     ●                                           
Tisis       ● ●●                                      
Tirallis       ●                                         
Lepidoptera       ●           ● ● ●     ●     ● ●     ●   ●●
Tipha       ●                                         
Mnesteria        ●                                        
Tisis eurylampis        ●                                        
Tisis hemixysta        ●                                        
Tisis argyrophaea         ●                                       
Snellenia          ●                                      
Dasycera          ●                                      
Ptilosticha          ●●                                     
Ptilosticha incandescens           ●                                     
Crocanthes            ●● ●                                 
Crocanthes sidonia            ●                                    
Aroa             ●                                   
Parelliptis               ●                                 
Frisilia melanardis                ●                                
Homaloxestis                ●                                
Lecithocera nodosa                 ●                               
Lecithocera octonias                 ●                               
Lecithocera hernia                  ●                              
Lecithocera                  ●●                             
Coydalla                   ●                             
Onebala interguttella                   ●                             
Lecithocera fausta                   ●                             
Hylograptis                    ●                            
Brachmia                    ●●                           
Brachmia strigosa                    ●                            
Nothris                     ●                           
Hylograptis thryptica                     ●                           
Cosmopterygidae                      ●                          
Cosmopteryx                      ●                          
Cosmopteryx xuthogastra                      ●                          
Stagmatophora rotalis                       ●                         
Placoptila                       ●                         
Limnoecia iostrota                        ●                        
Eretmocera                        ●                        
Oecophoridae                         ●                       
Eretmocera xanthonota                         ●                       
Cryptolechia laica                          ●                      
Athrypsiastis                           ●●                    
Cryptophasa                           ●                     
Xyloryctidae                           ●                     
Linoclostis                            ●                    
Stenomidae                             ●                   
Bassarodes siriaca                             ●                   
Bassarodes                             ●                   
Ethmia                              ●●                 
Ethmia argopa                               ●                 
Ethmia thoraea                               ●                 
Ethmia colonella                                ●                
Tortyra                                ●●               
Tortyra cypridia                                ●                
Glyphipterygidae                                ●                
Imma denticulata                                  ●              
Tortyra exanthista                                  ●              
Tortyra prodigella                                  ●              
Imma uranitis                                   ●             
Imma monastica                                   ●             
Imma                                    ●●           
Simaethis                                     ●           
Brenthia                                     ●           
Brenthia caelicola                                      ●          
Brenthia salaconia                                      ●          
Sobareutis                                       ●         
Thriambeutis                                        ●        
Plutellidae                                        ●        
Atteva                                        ●●       
Thriambeutis hemicausta                                        ●        
Atteva heliodoxa                                         ●       
Melodryas                                          ●      
Melodryas doris                                          ●      
Anaphantis                                          ●      
Anaphantis protona                                          ●      
Decadarchis discreta                                           ●     
Tineidae                                           ●     
Tinea calycodes                                            ●    
Osphretica                                             ●   
Osphretica chomatias                                             ●   
Coryptilum                                             ●   
Themeliotis stereodes                                              ●  
Tinissa                                              ●  
Themeliotis                                              ●  
Ardiosteres                                              ●  
Scardia satyr odes                                               ● 
Tinissa phrictodes                                               ● 
Tinissa rigida                                               ● 
No references are available for this publication
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. Review of the genus Tinissa Walker, 1864 (Lepidoptera, Tineidae, Scardiinae) from China, with description of five new species
    by Linlin Yang
    ZooKeys 228 pages 1--20 (2012)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.228.3645
    • PMC3487638
    • 23166467
    • b722530e-6d75-4429-b048-bc1ad0d48637
  2. Review of the genus Thubana Walker (Lepidoptera, Lecithoceridae) from China, with description of one new species
    by L Yang;Y Zhu;H Li
    ZooKeys 53 pages 33--44 (2010)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.53.412
    • PMC3088032
    • 21594131
    • aa0dc667-9872-462d-89ad-a22f1dc75d26