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TitleThree new species of cockroach genus Symploce Hebard, 1916 (Blattodea, Ectobiidae, Blattellinae) with redescriptions of two known species based on types from Mainland China
PublisherPensoft Publishers
  1. The cavernicolous cockroaches of the Rykyu Islands.
    by S Asahina
    Memoirs of the National Science Musuem, Tokyo 7 pages 145--156 (1974)
    • Taxonomic notes on Japanese Blattaria XI. The species of the tribe Ischnopterites. I.
      by S Asahina
      Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology 30 pages 217--235 (1979)
      • 110003815863
    • Invertebrates in the canopy of tropical rain forests how much do we really know?
      by Y Basset
      Plant Ecology 153 pages 87--107 (2001)
      • 10.1023/A:1017581406101
    • Blattodea Species File Online. Version 1.0/4.1.
      by GW Beccaloni
      • Three new species and two new records of Blattaria from Yunnan and Guizhou, China.
        by PZ Feng;FC Woo
        Entomotaxonomia 10 pages 305--312 (1988)
        • by PZ Feng;FC Woo
          • by PZ Feng;FC Woo
            • by PZ Feng
              • Studies in the group Ischnopterites (Orthoptera. Blattidae, Pseudomopinae).
                by M Hebard
                Transactions of the American Entomological Society 42 pages 337--383 (1916)
                • 58924
                • 25076957
              • A new subterranean species of Symploce Hebard from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) (Blattaria, Blattellidae).
                by Izquierdo; Medina
                Fragmenta Entomologica, Roma 24 pages 39--44 (1992)
                • A review of the cockroaches of West Africa and the Congo basin (Dictyoptera: Blattaria).
                  by R Kumar
                  Bulletin de l’I. Fond. Afr. Noire 37 pages 27--121 (1975)
                  • Blattariae: Subordo Epilamproidea; Fam. Blattellidae.
                    by K Princis
                    Orthopterorum Catalogus 13 pages 711--1038 (1969)
                    • Classification of the Blattaria as indicated by their wings (Orthoptera).
                      by JWH Rehn
                      Memoirs of the Entomological Society of America 14 pages 1--134 (1951)
                      • The genus Symploce Hebard. I. Species from the West Indies. (Dictyoptera: Blattaria: Blattellidae).
                        by LM Roth
                        Entomologica Scandinavica 15 pages 25--63 (1984a)
                        • 10.1163/187631284X00046
                      • The genus Symploce Hebard. II. Species from New Guinea. (Dictyoptera: Blattaria, Blattellidae).
                        by LM Roth
                        Entomologica Scandinavica 15 pages 299--331 (1984b)
                        • The genus Symploce Hebard. III. Species from Borneo, Flores, India and the Philippines. (Dictyoptera: Blattaria, Blattellidae).
                          by LM Roth
                          Entomologica Scandinavica 15 pages 455--472 (1984c)
                          • 10.1163/187631284X00271
                        • The genus Symploce Hebard. IV. Species from Borneo (Kalimantan, Sabah, Sarawak), Sumatra and West Malaysia. (Dictyoptera: Blattaria, Blattellidae).
                          by LM Roth
                          Entomologica Scandinavica 16 pages 139--159 (1985a)
                          • 10.1163/187631285X00243
                        • The genus Symploce VI. African species (Dictyoptera: Blattaria, Blattellidae).
                          by LM Roth
                          Entomologica Scandinavica 17 pages 189--214 (1986a)
                          • 10.1163/187631286X00387
                        • The genus Symploce VII. African species continued (Dictyoptera: Blattaria, Blattellidae).
                          by LM Roth
                          Entomologica Scandinavica 17 pages 433--454 (1986b)
                          • 10.1163/187631286X00035
                        • The genus Episymploce Bey-Bienko.V. Species from China. (Dictyoptera: Blattaria: Blattellidae).
                          by LM Roth
                          Entomologica Scandinavica 18 pages 125--142 (1987b)
                          • New combinations, synonymies, redescriptions, and new species of cockroaches, mostly Indo-Australian Blattellidae.
                            by LM Roth
                            Invertebrate Taxonomy 5 pages 953--1021 (1991)
                            • 10.1071/IT9910953
                          • Descriptions of new taxa, redescriptions, and records ofcockroaches, mostly from Malaysia and Indonesia (Dictyoptera: Blattaria).
                            by LM Roth
                            Oriental Insects 33 pages 109--185 (1999)
                            • 10.1080/00305316.1999.10433789
                          • Systematics and Phylogeny of cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattaria).
                            by LM Roth
                            Oriental Insects 37 pages 1--186 (2003)
                            • 10.1080/00305316.2003.10417344
                          • Orthoptera of the Japanese empire part II (Blattidae).
                            by Shiraki
                            Insecta Matsumurana 5 pages 171--209 (1931)
                            • 2115/9222
                          • Current research on the systematics of cockroaches (Blattaria) worldwide.
                            by ZQ Wang;YL Che
                            Entomotaxonomia 32 pages 23--33 (2010)
                            • by FC Woo;PZ Feng
                              • by FC Woo;PZ Feng
                                Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.