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TitleRevision of the Malagasy genus Trichoteleia Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Platygastridae)
IssueSpecial Issue
PMC PMC3088049
PMID 21594144
  1. Definition of female antennal clava based on its plate sensilla in Hymenoptera Scelionidae Telenominae
    by F Bin
    Redia 64 pages 245--261 (1981)
    • Further new genera and species of Australian Proctotrypoidea
      by A Dodd
      Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 26 pages 91--140 (1914)
      • 132763
    • Notes and corrections on Australian Prototrypoidea, with descriptions of forty-five new species
      by A Dodd
      Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 80 pages 1--32 (1915)
      • 58706
    • Notes on the exotic Proctotrupoidea in the British and Oxford University Museums, with descriptions of new genera and species
      by A Dodd
      Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1919 pages 321--382 (1920)
      • 10.1111/j.1365-2311.1920.tb00008.x
      • 50784
    • A revision of four genera of Australian Scelionidae
      by A Dodd
      Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 40 pages 30--50 (1929)
      • The types of Australian species of the subfamily Scelioninae (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)
        by ID Galloway
        Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences 33 pages 83--114 (1976)
        • Catalog of world Proctotrupoidea excluding Platygastridae
          by NF Johnson
          Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 51 pages 1--825 (1992)
          • Hymenoptera. Fam. Scelionidae. Addenda et corrigenda
            by JJ Kieffer
            Genera Insectorum 80 pages 61--112 (1910)
            • Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea
              by JJ Kieffer
              Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 15 pages 45--80 (1912)
              • 10.1111/j.1096-3642.1912.tb00089.x
              • 100112
            • Scelionidae
              by JJ Kieffer
              Das Tierreich 48 (1926)
              • Standard drawing conventions and definitions for venational and other features of wings of Hymenoptera
                by WRM Mason
                Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 88 pages 1--7 (1986)
                • 56151
                • 16264721
              • Revisionary notes and keys to world genera of Scelionidae (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea)
                by L Masner
                Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 97 pages 1--87 (1976)
                • 10.4039/entm10897fv
              • Key to genera of Scelionidae of the Holarctic region, with descriptions of new genera and species (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea)
                by L Masner
                Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 113 pages 1--54 (1980)
                • 10.4039/entm112113fv
              • The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the United States National Museum
                by L Masner;CFW Muesebeck
                Bulletin of the United States National Museum 270 pages 1--143 (1968)
                • Skeletomusculature of Scelionidae (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea): head and mesosoma
                  by I Mikó;L Vilhelmsen;NF Johnson;L Masner;Z Pénzes
                  Zootaxa 1571 pages 1--78 (2007)
                  • Type species of the genera and subgenera of parasitic wasps comprising the superfamily Proctotrupoidea (order Hymenoptera)
                    by CFW Muesebeck;LM Walkley
                    Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum 105 pages 319--419 (1956)
                    • 52001
                    • 15705495
                    • 10.5479/si.00963801.3359.319
                  • A universal register for animal names
                    by A Polaszek;D Agosti;M Alonso-Zarazaga;G Beccaloni;P de Place Bjørn;P Bouchet;DJ Brothers;Cranbrook Earl of;NL Evenhuis;HCJ Godfray;NF Johnson;FT Krell;D Lipscomb;CHC Lyal;GM Mace;SF Mawatari;SE Miller;A Minelli;S Morris;PKL Ng;DJ Patterson;RL Pyle;N Robinson;L Rogo;J Taverne;FC Thompson;J van Tol;QD Wheeler;EO Wilson
                    Nature 437 (2005)
                    • Proctotrupides Scelionini de Madagascar [Hymenopteres]
                      by J Risbec
                      Revue Française d’Entomologie 23 pages 244--264 (1956)
                      Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
                      1. Revision of the Paridris nephta species group (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Platygastridae)
                        ZooKeys 133 pages 49--94 (2011)
                        • 10.3897/zookeys.133.1613
                        • PMC3208429
                        • 22140338
                        • bcd3bd6e-5e29-447f-aeb6-176c19eef3e8