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TitleNew subgenus and new species of Oriental Omophorus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae, Metatygini)
DOI10.3897/zookeys.85.973 [Crossref]
PMC PMC3082994
PMID 21594097
ZooBank d303c2d3-a21c-4680-a10c-af67e84eaa83
PDF http://www.pensoft.net/inc/journals/download.php?fileTable=J_GALLEYS&fileId=1989
  1. Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio W. Junk, 150: Prionomerinae: 1–11; Aterpinae: 1–9; Amalactinae: 1–3; Haplonychinae: 1–8; Omophorinae: 1–2
    by CH Boheman
    • Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio W. Junk, 150: Prionomerinae: 1–11; Aterpinae: 1–9; Amalactinae: 1–3; Haplonychinae: 1–8; Omophorinae: 1–2
      by CH Boheman
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        by A Chevrolat
        Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 25 pages 85--94 (1881)
        • Morphology of Baridinae and related groups (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
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          • Delimiting baridine weevil evolution (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae).
            by SR Davis
            Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 161 pages 88--156 (2011)
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              by L Fairmaire
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              • Coléoptères nouveaux de San-Thomé et du Benguéla.
                by L Fairmaire
                Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 1902 pages 134--136 (1902)
                • Curculioniden aus Ost-Indien.
                  by J Faust
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                  • Curculioniden aus dem Congo Gebiet in der Sammlung des Brüsseler königlichen Museums.
                    by J Faust
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                    • Note sur les genres Peribleptus Sch., Paipalesomus Sch. et Paipalephorus Jekel.
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                        by LK Jha;PK Sen-Sarma
                        • The subfamily Molytinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): General notes and descriptions of new taxa from New Zealand and Chile.
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                                • Hotspots: earth’s biologically richest and most endangered terrestrial ecoregions.
                                  by RA Mittermeier;N Myers;C Goettsch Mittermeier
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                                      by RG Oberprieler;AE Marvaldi;RS Anderson
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                                      • On some new genera of Curculionidae.
                                        by FP Pascoe
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                                        • Contributions towards a knowledge of the Curculionidae.
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                                          • Descriptions of some new genera and species of Curculionidae, mostly Asiatic. Part V.
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                                            Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 2 pages 409--418 (1888)
                                            • Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio W. Junk, 150: Prionomerinae: 1–11; Aterpinae: 1–9; Amalactinae: 1–3; Haplonychinae: 1–8; Omophorinae: 1–2
                                              by S Schenkling;GAK Marshall
                                              • Genera et species curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Species novae aut hactenus minus cognitae, descriptionibus a Dom. Leonardo Gyllenhal, C. H. Boheman, et entomologis aliis illustratae. Tomus tertius. Pars prima. [1836].
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                                                • The fig weevil.
                                                  by DE Taylor
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                                                  • Observations on the morphology and classification of weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) with a key to major groups.
                                                    by RT Thompson
                                                    Journal of Natural History 26 pages 835--891 (1992)
                                                    • 10.1080/00222939200770511
                                                  • Taxonomy, ecology, and distribution of Curculionoidea (Col.: Polyphaga). Proceedings of a Symposium (28 August, 1996, Florence, Italy). XX International Congress of Entomology.
                                                    by AJ Velázquez de Castro
                                                    • Die von Biró auf Neu Guinea aufgefundenen Rüsselkäfer, III (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
                                                      by E Voss
                                                      Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, Budapest 52 pages 313--346 (1960)
                                                      • Moraceae.
                                                        by ZhK Zhou;MG Gilbert
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                                                        Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.