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TitleRevision of the endemic Taiwanese millipede genus Aponedyopus Verhoeff, 1939, with descriptions of two new species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae)
IssueSpecial Issue
PMC PMC3083003
PMID 21594102
ZooBank 002e6b8a-73db-4fe3-a689-5e9ba7c24419
  1. The millipede tribe Nedyopodini, with special reference to the fauna of Taiwan (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae).
    by CC Chen;SI Golovatch;HW Chang
    Journal of Natural History 39 pages 3997--4030 (2006)
    • 10.1080/00222930600556112
  2. Pill-millipedes (Glomerida, Diplopoda) in Taiwan.
    by SI Golovatch;EV Mikhaljova;HW Chang
    Zootaxa 2477 pages 1--20 (2010)
    • Unusual outbreak and control of millipedes, Chamberlinius haulienensis Wang in Okinawa
      by Y Higa;T Kishimoto
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        by Y Higa;T Kishimoto
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        • Classification of the Diplopoda
          by RL Hoffman
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            • The millipede family Diplomaragnidae in Taiwan, with descriptions of nine new species (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida).
              by EV Mikhaljova;SI Golovatch;HW Chang
              Zootaxa 2615 pages 23--46 (2010)
              • Über japanische Diplopoden
                by Y Miyosi
                • A list of Japanese species. Invertebrates 1
                  by Y Murakami
                  • Obstruction of trains by the outbreaks a millipede Chamberlinius hualienensis Wang (Diplopoda: Polydesmida)
                    by K Nijima;T Arimura
                    Edaphologia 69 pages 47--49 ()
                    • Pictorial Keys to Soil Animals of Japan
                      by K Shinohara;T Tanabe
                      • Einige neue Arten von Diplopoda aus Nippon.
                        by Y Takakuwa
                        Zoological Magazine, 54 pages 237--239 (1942)
                        • Diplopoden aus Japan und ihr angrenzenden Gebieten
                          by Y Takakuwa
                          • The biology of centipedes and millipedes
                            by T Tanabe
                            • Zur Kenntnis ostasiatischer Diplopoden. III.
                              by KW Verhoeff
                              Zoologischer Anzeiger 127 pages 115--125 (1939)
                              • Review and perspective of study on myriapodology of China. In: Geoffroy JJ, Mauriès JP, Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin M (Eds) Acta Myriapodologica.
                                by D Wang;JP Mauriès
                                Mémoires du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 169 pages 81--99 (1996)
                                • Serica 1g: Records of Myriapods on Taiwan Islands (4) Six new polydesmids.
                                  by YHM Wang
                                  Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 10 pages 103--111 (1957a)
                                  • Serica 1h: Records of myriapods on Taiwan Islands (5) with description of three new species.
                                    by YHM Wang
                                    Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 10 pages 113--116 (1957b)
                                    • Serica 1i, On Diplopoda from Taiwan with a new strongylosomids.
                                      by YHM Wang
                                      Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 11 pages 340--344 (1958)
                                      • On millipedes and centipedes from Taiwan, China
                                        by YHM Wang
                                        Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Zoology 1 pages 285--291 (1963b)
                                        • Serica 1 op: Wallacea and insular fauna of millipedes.
                                          by YHM Wang
                                          Quarterly Journal of Taiwan Museum 17 pages 67--76 (1964)
                                          • Annual occurrence of Chamberlinius haulienensis Wang on Amami-Oshima Island and possible chemicals for controlling it
                                            by T Yamaguchi;S Izumi;K Takemura;H Torigoe;T. Matunaga;K Nagata
                                            Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 46 pages 118--122 (2000)
                                            Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
                                            1. Revision of the Taiwanese millipede genus Chamberlinius Wang, 1956, with descriptions of two new species and a reclassification of the tribe Chamberlinini (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae, Paradoxosomatinae)
                                              by Chao-Chun Chen;Sergei I Golovatch;Hsueh-Wen Chang;Shyh-Hwang Chen
                                              ZooKeys 98 pages 1--27 (2011)
                                              • 10.3897/zookeys.98.1183
                                              • PMC3095131
                                              • 21594069
                                              • 5d58cfe9-d0fd-4f60-9f18-2dc800e165d1