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Title | A systematic revision of Operclipygus Marseul (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini) |
Author(s) | Michael Caterino Alexey Tishechkin |
Journal | ZooKeys |
ISSN | 1313-2989 |
Volume | 271 |
Pages | 1--401 |
DOI | 10.3897/zookeys.271.4062 [Crossref] |
ZooBank | 541a802c-21f2-4a14-9428-f5f46ffe4760 |
Year | 2013 |
Publisher | Pensoft Publishers |
Citation |
Names published
by H BickhardtNeue exotische Histeriden und notizen zu bekannten arten.
by H BickhardtEntomologische Blätter 14 pages 233--244 (1918)Neue Histeriden aus den Nestern eines argentinischen Nagers.
by H BickhardtEntomologische Blätter 16 pages 236--239 (1920)Die Histeriden des aethiopischen Faunengebiets. Teil II. (Dendrophilinae, Tribalini und Platysomini.).
by H BickhardtArchiv für Naturgeschichte (A) 87 pages 146--207 (1921)The Insects and Arachnids of Canada, Part 24, Coleoptera: Histeridae.
by Y Bousquet;S LaplanteNotas etológicas acerca del “tuco-tuco” (Ctenomys talarum talarum O. Thomas) y nómina de artrópodos que viven en sus habitáculos.
by C BruchNotas del Museo de La Plata, Zoologia 2 pages 81--87 (1937)Coleopterological notices, V.
by TL CaseyAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences 7 pages 533--578 (1893)- 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1893.tb55411.x
A revision of the genus Mecistostethus Marseul (Coleoptera: Histeridae).
by MS Caterino;AK Tishechkin;N DégallierZookeys 213 pages 63--78 (2012)- 10.3897/zookeys.213.3552
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Operclipygus hospes (Lewis): A beetle of potential forensic importance for buried bodies.
by RD Corréa;DP Moura;FWT Leivas;LM AlmeidaNeotropical Entomology 41 pages 254--256 (2012)- 10.1007/s13744-012-0032-1
Coleoptera Histeridae de Guyane Française. II. Description d’un Operclipygus nouveau.
by N DégallierRevue Française Entomologique (NS) 4 pages 158--160 (1982)Coleoptera Histeridae de Guyane. VII. Compléments au catalogue avec des données sur la faune du Surinam et une contribution à la connaissance des Saprininae.
by N Dégallier;G Arriagada;MS Caterino;P Kanaar;DP Moura;AK Tishechkin;WB WarnerA revision of the genus Kaszabister Mazur (Histeridae, Histerinae. Exosternini).
by N Dégallier;S Mazur;AK Tishechkin;MS CaterinoZookeys 199 pages 71--89 (2012)- 10.3897/zookeys.199.3245
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A review of the New World genera of the myrmecophilous and termitophilous subfamily Hetaeriinae (Coleoptera: Histeridae).
by JVT Helava;HF Howden;AJ RitchieSociobiology 10 pages 127--382 (1985)Descriptions of new Neotropical Histeridae and notes on others. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10)15: 584–592.
by HE Hinton- 10.1080/00222933508655004
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New American Histeridae.
by HE HintonStylops 4 pages 57--65 (1935b)- 10.1111/j.1365-3113.1935.tb00556.x
A short review of the North American species of the genus Pseudister.
by HE HintonCanadian Entomologist 67 pages 11--15 (1935c)- 10.4039/Ent6711-1
Synopsis of the Histeridae of the United States.
by G HornProceedings of the American Philosophical Society 13 pages 273--357 (1873)Revision of the genus Paratropus Gerstaecker.
by P KanaarZoologische Verhandelingen 315 pages 1--185 (1997)Histeridae.
by PW Kovarik;MS CaterinoPhylogeny of the Coleoptera based on morphological characters of adults and larvae.
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Description of new species of the coleopterous family Histeridae.
by JE LeConteProceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 11 pages 310--317 (1860)- 4064931
Fam. Histeridae. In: Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Coleoptera. R.H. Porter, London, 182–244.
by G LewisOn new species of Histeridae and notices of others. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 10: 223–239.
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On new species of Histeridae and notices of others. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)2: 137–160.
by G Lewis- 10.1080/00222930808692465
Essai monographique sur la famille des histérides, comprenant la description et la figure au trait des genres et des espèces, leur distribution méthodique, avec un résumé de leurs moeurs et de leur anatomie. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 3e sér., 1: 131–160, 177–294, 2: 447–553.
by SA MarseulHistérides de l’Archipel Malais ou Indo-Australien.
by SA MarseulL’Abeille, Mémoires d’Entomologie 1 pages 271--341 (1864)Description d’espèces nouvelles d’Histérides.
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by S MazurA revision of the superfamily Histeroidea of Japan (Coleoptera).
by M ÔharaInsecta Matsumurana, New Series 51 pages 1--283 (1994)- 2115/9872
Neue Histeriden.
by J SchmidtEntomologische Nachrichten 15 pages 329--341 (1889)Neue Histeriden.
by J SchmidtEntomologische Nachrichten 19 pages 5--16 (1893)Zwölf neue Phelister.
by J SchmidtEntomoloigische Nachrichten 19 pages 81--91 (1893b)Aufzählung der von Herrn Professor F. Sahlberg in Brasilien gesammelten Histeriden.
by J SchmidtBerliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 41 pages 55--66 (1896)A revision of the genus Yarmister
by AK Tishechkin;MS CaterinoXXVII – Histeridae from Ecuador. Mission zoologique Belge aux Îles Galapagos et en Ecuador (N. et J. Leleup 1964–1965).
by RL WenzelRésultats Scientifiques 3 pages 235--266 (1976)New and little known neotropical Histeridae (Coleoptera).
by RL Wenzel;HS DybasFieldiana, Zoology 22 pages 433--472 (1941)
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
New genera and species of Neotropical Exosternini (Coleoptera, Histeridae)
by Michael Caterino;Alexey TishechkinZooKeys 381 pages 11--78 (2014)- 10.3897/zookeys.381.6772
A systematic revision of Baconia Lewis (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini)
by Michael Caterino;Alexey TishechkinZooKeys 343 pages 1--297 (2013)- 10.3897/zookeys.343.5744
Sarandibrinus, a new genus of Saprininae subfamily from Madagascar (Coleoptera, Histeridae) (Second contribution to the knowledge of the Histeridae of Madagascar)
by Tomáš Lackner;Yves GomyZooKeys 427 pages 109--125 (2014)- 10.3897/zookeys.427.4799