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TitleTaxonomy and distribution pattern of the African rain forest butterfly genus Euphaedra Hubner sensu stricto with the description of three new subspecies of Euphaedra cyparissa (Cramer) and one of E. sarcoptera (Butler) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae, Adoliadini)
PublisherPensoft Publishers
  1. Carcasson’s African Butterflies.
    by PR Ackery;LR Smith;RI Vane-Wright
    • Die Afrikanischen Tagfalter (Ed. A. Seitz). Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart. 613 pp., 80 pl.
      by C Aurivillius
      • Types de chenilles et de nymphes chez les Euphaedra du Cameroun (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitinae).
        by J-L Amiet
        Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 109 pages 333--359 (2004)
        • Descriptions of six butterflies new to science, belonging to the genera, Heterochroa and Ramaleosoma.
          by AG Butler
          Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1866 pages 43--59 (1866)
          • Description of new species of Lepidoptera. Cistula Entomologica, 1: 150–177.
            by AG Butler
            • Genomic Sequence around Butterfly Wing Development Genes: Annotation and Comparative Analysis. PLoS ONE 6 (8): e23778.
              by IC Conceição;AD Long;JD Gruber;P Beldade
              • 10.1371/journal.pone.0023778
            • Butterflies of the Afrotropical Region.
              by B D’Abrera
              • Description d’un Euphaedra nouveau du Gabon (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae).
                by G Faravel
                Entomologia Africana, 7 pages 15--17 (2002)
                • Euphaedra.
                  by J Hecq
                  • Euphaedra (and supplement in French). In: Bauer, E. and Frankenbach, T. Butterflies of the World, Part 4, Nymphalidae III. Goecke and Evers, Keltern, Germany.
                    by J Hecq
                    • Butterflies of West Africa, vol.1–2. Apollo Books, Stenstrup. vol.1, 595 pp, vol. 2, 270 pp.
                      by TB Larsen
                      • The Ghana butterfly fauna and its contribution to the objectives of the protected areas system. WDSP Report no. 63. Wildlife Division (Forestry Commission) and IUCN (World Conservation Union), Accra: 207 pp. http://abdb-africa.org/user/biblio/200620Ghana20Report20complete201.5MB.pdf
                        by TB Larsen
                        • The butterflies of Kyabobo National Park, Ghana, and those of the Volta Region. WDSP Report no. 64. Wildlife Division (Forestry Commission) and IUCN (World Conservation Union), Accra 60 pp. http://abdb-africa.org/user/biblio/200620Kyabobo-Volta20complete20480K.pdf
                          by TB Larsen
                          • Bobiri Butterfly Sanctuary in Ghana – Discovering its butterflies (with a checklist of the 930 butterflies of Ghana).
                            by TB Larsen;K Aduse-Poku;H Boersma;Sz Sáfián;J Baker
                            Metamorphosis, 18 pages 87--126 (2007)
                            • A feasibility study into butterfly farming for the Korup National Park, Cameroun.
                              by DC Lees
                              • Phylogeny of Bicyclus (Lepidopterea: Nymphalidae) inferred from COI, COII, and EF- a gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 18: 264: 281.
                                by AF Monteiro;NE Pierce
                                • Słownik morfologii owadów.
                                  by J Razowski
                                  • The Evolution of Insect Mating Systems. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
                                    by R Thornhill;J Alcock
                                    • Papillons du Gabon. Wildlife Conservation Society, 424 pp.
                                      by Weghe GR Vande
                                      • DNA barcoding reveals hidden species diversity in Cymothoe (Nymphalidae).
                                        by R Van Velzen;FT Bakker;JJA van Loon
                                        Proceedings of the Netherlands Entomological Society Meeting, 18 pages 95--103 (2007)
                                        • A new hidden species of the Cymothoe caenis-complex (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from western Africa.
                                          by R Van Velzen;TB Larsen;FT Bakker
                                          Zootaxa, 2197 pages 53--63 (2009)
                                          • Effects of changing climate on species diversification in tropical forest butterflies of the genus Cymothoe (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society.
                                            by R Van Velzen;N Wahlberg;MF Sosef;FT Bakker
                                            • 10.1111/bij.12012
                                          Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.