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TitleChinese species of genus Notopygus Holmgren (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ctenopelmatinae) with description of a new species
PublisherPensoft Publishers
  1. Bionomics and control of Neurotoma sibirica.
    by T-L Chen;K-R Xiao;G Li;W-W Tang;K Zhang;D-Y Xu
    Forest Pest and Disease 26 pages 7--8 (2007)
    • Ecological and morphological notes on Notopygus bicarinatus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae).
      by J Holuša;K Holý;P Baňař
      Journal of Forest Science 57 pages 281--284 (2011)
      • Ctenopelmatinae.
        by DR Kasparyan;AI Khalaim
        Key to the insects of Russia Far East Vol. IV pages 474--559 (2007)
        • Effect of the trap color on the capture of ichneumonids wasps (Hymenoptera).
          by T Li;M-L Sheng;S-P Sun;G-F Chen;Z-H Guo
          Revista Colombiana de Entomología 38 pages 338--342 (2012)
          • The genera of Ichneumonidae, Part 3.
            by HK Townes
            Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 13 pages 1--307 (1970)
            • Taxapad 2012 – World Ichneumonoidae 2011. Taxonomy, Biology, Morphology and Distribution. On USB Flash drive.
              by DS Yu;C van Achterberg;K Horstmann
              Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.