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TitleNew genera of the Subulitermes branch of the Nasutitermitinae from the Ethiopian region (Isoptera, Termitidae)
Abstract"Four new genera and four new species of nasute termites on the Subulitermes branch of the subfamily Nasutitermitinae of the family Termitidae are described and figured from the rain-forest formation of the Belgian Congo: Verrucositermes, new genus, with V. tuberosus, new species, as the type species, is described from the imago, soldier, and worker castes. Afrosubulitermes, new genus, with A. congoensis, new species, as the type species, is described from the soldier and worker castes. Postsubulitermes, new genus, with P. parviconstrictus, new species, as the type species, is described from the imago, soldier, and worker castes. Tarditermes, new genus, with T. contracolor, new species, as the type species, is described from the imago and soldier castes. Trinervitermes hainesi (Fuller), new combination, is tentatively proposed for the species described by Fuller (1922, p. 115) under the name 'Subulitermes hainesi'"--P. 19-20.
JournalAmerican Museum Novitates New York
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Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. A new genus and species of termites (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) from the rainforest of northern Peru
    by Carolina Cuezzo
    ZooKeys 159 pages 1--9 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.159.2311
    • PMC3253633
    • 22303111
    • 5eb9b6aa-7898-4e04-969d-401a46dc08b0