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TitleIntertidal and nearshore Nereididae (Annelida) of the Falkland Islands, southwestern Atlantic, including a new species of Gymnonereis
PublisherPensoft Publishers
  1. Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914–1916. No. 14. Polychaeta I. Polychaeten von den Auckland- und Campbell-Inseln.
    by H Augener
    Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i København 75 pages 1--115 (1923)
    • Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen’s Pacific Expedition 1914–1916. No. 18. Polychaeta II. Polychaeten von Neuseeland I: Errantia.
      by H Augener
      Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forenig i København 75 pages 241--441 (1924)
      • by H Augener
        • A review of paragnath morphology in Nereididae (Polychaeta).
          by T Bakken;CJ Glasby;RS Wilson
          Zoosymposia 2 pages 305--316 (2009)
          • Phylogeny of nereidids (Polychaeta, Nereididae) with paragnaths.
            by T Bakken;RS Wilson
            Zoologica Scripta 34 pages 507--547 (2005)
            • Gymnonereidinae new subfamily: the Nereididae (Polychaeta) with bifid parapodial neurocirri.
              by K Banse
              Journal of Natural History 11 pages 609--628 (1977)
              • 10.1080/00222937700770541
            • The subantarctic Islands of New Zealand
              by WB Benham
              • Polychaeta.
                by WB Benham
                Scientific Reports Australian Antarctic Expedition Zoology and Botany 6 pages 1--128 (1921)
                • Bulletin des Sciences par la Société Philomatique de Paris
                  by H de Blainville
                  • The Annelida Polychaeta.
                    by RV Chamberlin
                    Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 48 pages 1--514 (1919)
                    • 129500
                  • Animals from the Clyde Sea area: recent records, including the first British record and a redescription of Nereis kerguelensis McIntosh.
                    by CA Comely
                    Glasgow Naturalist 19 pages 21--34 (1973)
                    • The Polychaeta of Tristan da Cunha.
                      by JH Day
                      Results of the Norwegian Scientific Expedition to Tristan da Cunha 29 pages 1--35 (1954)
                      • Die Borstenwürmer (Annelida Chaetopoda) nach systematischen und anatomischen Untersuchungen.
                        by E Ehlers
                        • Hamburger Magalhaensische Sammelreise
                          by E Ehlers
                          • Die Polychaeten des magellanischen und chilenischen Strandes. Ein faunistischer Versuch.
                            by E Ehlers
                            Festschrift zur Feier des Hundertfünfzigjährigen Bestehens des Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Klasse 1901 pages 1--232 (1901)
                            • Polychaeten von Java und Amboina. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der malaiischen Strandfauna.
                              by E Ehlers
                              Abhandlungen der koeniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Goettingen 10 pages 1--73 (1920)
                              • The polychaete worms. Definitions and keys to the orders, families and genera.
                                by K Fauchald
                                Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Science Series 28 pages 1--188 (1977)
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                                  by P Fauvel
                                  Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale 55 pages 417--482 (1916)
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                                • Annélides polychètes de la Mission du Cap Horn (1882–1883).
                                  by P Fauvel
                                  Bulletin de la Musee d’Histoire naturelle 13 pages 272--298 (1941)
                                  • The marine annelids erected by Kinberg with notes on some other types in the Swedish State Museum.
                                    by O Hartman
                                    Arkiv för Zoologi 42A pages 1--137 (1948)
                                    • Non-pelagic polychaeta of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1901–1903.
                                      by O Hartman
                                      Further Zoological Results of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1901–1903 4 pages 1--83 (1953)
                                      • Australian Nereidae, including descriptions of three new species and one genus, together with summaries of previous records and keys to species.
                                        by O Hartman
                                        Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 77 pages 1--41 (1954)
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                                      • Polychaeta Errantia of Antarctica.
                                        by O Hartman
                                        Antarctic Research Series 3 pages 1--131 (1964)
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                                          by O Hartman
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                                          • Die Polychaeten des sublitorals.
                                            by G Hartmann-Schröder
                                            • On a new species of Lycastis and three aberrant forms of Nereidae from the Dutch East Indies.
                                              by R Horst
                                              Zoologische Mededeelingen Leyden 4 pages 246--250 (1918)
                                              • Three new Nereis species from the Dutch East Indies.
                                                by R Horst
                                                Zoologische Mededeelingen Leyden 5 pages 59--64 (1919)
                                                • Polychaeta errantia of the Siboga Expedition. Pt. 3. Nereidae and Hesionidae.
                                                  by R Horst
                                                  Siboga-Expeditie Uitkomsten op Zoologisch, Bonatisch, Oceanographisch en Geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië 1899–1900 24 pages 145--198 (1924)
                                                  • The Nereididae (Polychaeta) from Australia – Gymnonereidinae sensu Fitzhugh, 1987: Australonereis, Ceratocephale, Dendronereides, Gymnonereis, Nicon, Olganereis and Websterinereis.
                                                    by PA Hutchings;A Reid
                                                    Records of the Australian Museum 42 pages 69--100 (1990)
                                                    • 10.3853/j.0067-1975.42.1990.107
                                                  • The Nereididae of South Australia.
                                                    by PA Hutchings;SP Turvey
                                                    Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 106 pages 93--144 (1982)
                                                    • 114191
                                                  • Perinereis (Polychaeta, Nereididae) from Australia, with redescriptions of six additional species.
                                                    by P Hutchings;A Reid;R Wilson
                                                    Records of the Australian Museum 43 pages 241--274 (1991)
                                                    • Polychaetes and Allies: the Southern Synthesis
                                                      by PA Hutchings;RS Wilson;CJ Glasby;H Paxton;C Watson Russell
                                                      • Polychaetes of Thailand. Nereididae (Part 2); Ceratocephale and Gymnonereis, with descriptions of two new species and notes on the subfamily Gymnonereidinae.
                                                        by J Hylleberg;A Nateewathana
                                                        Research Bulletin of the Phuket Marine Biological Centre 49 pages 1--20 (1988)
                                                        • Miscellanea Zoologica. Contributions towards a history of the Irish Annelides.
                                                          by G Johnston
                                                          Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 (1840)
                                                          • Annulata nova. Nereidum dispositio nova.
                                                            by JGH Kinberg
                                                            Öfversigt af Koniglich Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Förhandlingar 22 pages 167--179 (1865)
                                                            • Systema naturae
                                                              by C Linnaeus
                                                              • Nordiska Hafs-Annulater.
                                                                by AJ Malmgren
                                                                Öfversigt af Koniglich Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar, Stockholm 21 (1865)
                                                                • Annulata Polychaeta Spetsbergiae, Groenlandiae, Islandiae et Scandinaviae hactenus cognita.
                                                                  by AJ Malmgren
                                                                  Öfversigt af Koniglich Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar, Stockholm 24 pages 127--235 (1867)
                                                                  • Descriptions of some new species of Annelida from Kerguelen Island.
                                                                    by WC McIntosh
                                                                    Annals and Magazine of Natural History 17 pages 318--323 (1876)
                                                                    • 10.1080/00222937608681956
                                                                    • 60877
                                                                  • Report on the Annelida Polychaeta collected by H.M.S. ’Challenger’ during the years 1873–76.
                                                                    by WC McIntosh
                                                                    Report of the Scientific Results of the Exploring Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, 1873–76 12 pages 1--554 (1885)
                                                                    • Polychaete worms.
                                                                      by CCA Monro
                                                                      Discovery Reports 2 pages 1--222 (1930)
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                                                                        by CCA Monro
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                                                                          by CCA Monro
                                                                          Discovery Reports 12 pages 59--193 (1936)
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                                                                            by EM Pratt
                                                                            Memoirs and Transactions of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 13 pages 1--26 (1898)
                                                                            • A collection of Polychaeta from the Falkland Islands.
                                                                              by EM Pratt
                                                                              Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 45 pages 1--18 (1901)
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                                                                                by LNG Ramsay
                                                                                Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 50 pages 41--48 (1914)
                                                                                • 10.1017/s0080456800017269
                                                                              • Nereididos de Iquique, Chile.
                                                                                by N Rozbaczylo;J Bolados
                                                                                Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Chile 37 pages 205--224 (1980)
                                                                                • El género Perinereis (Polychaeta, Nereididae) en Chile.
                                                                                  by N Rozbaczylo;JC Castilla
                                                                                  Studies on the Neotropical Fauna 8 pages 215--232 (1973)
                                                                                  • 10.1080/01650527309360463
                                                                                • Morphological and molecular characterization of Perinereis gualpensis (Polychaeta: Nereididae) and its phylogenetic relationships with other species of the genus off the Chilean coast, Southeast Pacific.
                                                                                  by S Sampertegui;N Rozbaczylo;CB Canales-Aguirre;F Carrasco;CE Hernandez;E Rodriguez-Serrano
                                                                                  Cahiers de Biologie Marine 54 pages 27--40 (2013)
                                                                                  • Phylogenetic relationships within Nereididae (Annelida: Phyllodocida).
                                                                                    by CSG Santos;F Pleijel;P Lana;GW Rouse
                                                                                    Invertebrate Systematics 19 pages 557--576 (2005)
                                                                                    • Neue wirbellose Thiere beobachtet und gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erdr [sic] 1853 bis 1857 von Ludwig K. Schmarda. Erster Band. Turbellarien, Rotatorien und Anneliden. Zweite Hälfte.
                                                                                      by LK Schmarda
                                                                                      • Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries 1871/1872
                                                                                        by AE Verrill
                                                                                        • Contributions to the Natural History of Kerguelen Island. Annelids and echinoderms.
                                                                                          by AE Verrill
                                                                                          Bulletin United States National Museum 3 pages 64--67 (1876)
                                                                                          • Ueber die waehrend der 3. und 4. Tiefsee-Expedition im Oestliche Mittelmeere und in der Adria 1893, 1894, gesammelten Polychaeten des Grundes.
                                                                                            by E Von Marenzeller
                                                                                            Anzeiger, Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 38 (1902)
                                                                                            • Reports of the Lund University Chile Expedition 1948–49. 43. Polychaeta Errantia.
                                                                                              by E Wesenberg-Lund
                                                                                              Lunds Universitets Årsskrift, NF 57 pages 1--139 (1962)
                                                                                              • Neanthes (Polychaeta: Nereididae) from Victoria with descriptions of two new species.
                                                                                                by RS Wilson
                                                                                                Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 96 pages 209--226 (1984)
                                                                                                • Synonymy of the genus Nectoneanthes Imajima, 1972, with Neanthes Kinberg, 1866 (Polychaeta: Nereididae).
                                                                                                  by RS Wilson
                                                                                                  Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 101 pages 4--10 (1988)
                                                                                                  • Polychaetes and Allies: the Southern Synthesis
                                                                                                    by RS Wilson
                                                                                                    Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.