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TitleDiversity, Classification and Higher Relationships of Mymarommatoidea (Hymenoptera)
JournalJournal of Hymenoptera Research
BioStor 380
Mymaromma● ●●  ●      ●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●         ● ●●●●●●  ●●●●● ●          ●  ●●●  ●●● ●●  ●● ●●●●● ●      
Galloromma agapa●                                           ●                                            ●●     
Hymenoptera●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ●●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Mymaromella● ●●         ●●●●●●●●  ●● ●●●      ●   ●●●● ●    ●●                  ●   ●●● ●  ●●●●●    ●   ●  
Mymaromella duerrenfeldi●                                                                                               
Mymaromella cyclopterus●                                                ●                   ●                ●         
Protooctonus●  ●                          ●              ●                                                  
Archaeromma● ●●                        ● ●       ●●● ●● ●                                             ●●   
Chalcidoidea●●●●●●                   ●         ●                ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●                             
Mymaromella mira●                                                ●●                  ●  ●  ●            ●       
Archaeromma masneri●                                            ●                                             ● ●  
Mymaromma mirissimum●                                               ●                   ●                           
Galloromma bezonnaisensis● ●                         ● ●        ●●   ●                                                 ● 
Mymarommatoidea●●●● ●                               ● ●  ●●        ●● ● ●  ● ●● ●●●                            
Platygastroidea●   ●                                                 ●●●●   ●●●●                               
Archaeromma mandibulatum●                                            ●                                              ●   
Mymaromma anomalum●     ●        ●●                               ●                   ●   ● ●      ●●●    ●●      
Serphitoidea●   ●                                               ●●●●       ●                                
Mymarommatidae●●●●●                   ●            ●●●● ●●●●●                  ●●●                            
Masarina mirissimum●                                                                                               
Mymaridae● ●●●            ●  ●                ●       ●●         ● ●●   ●●●●●                            
Serphitidae●   ●                                               ● ●● ●  ● ●●● ●●                            
Mymaromma buyckxi●                                               ●                   ●   ●   ●●  ●               
Palaeomymar●●●●                     ●              ● ● ● ●● ●●                ●                            
Archaeromma japonicum●                                            ●                                                  
Mymaromma goethei●                                         ●    ●●                   ●     ● ●   ● ●●     ●      
Mymaromella chaoi●                                                ●●                  ●                          
Palaeomymar succini● ●                                       ●   ●●                                         ●   ●  
Galloromma●  ●                          ●      ● ●●● ●●                                            ● ●  ● 
Masarina buyckxi●                                                                                               
Apocrita ●                                                     ●●   ●  ● ●●                             
Palaeomymar senonicus  ●           ●               ●              ●                                                  
Mymar  ●● ●           ● ● ●●●● ●                 ●          ●  ●●   ● ● ●                            
Petiolaria anomala  ●                                            ●                ●                               
Mymaromella duisburgi  ●                                                                                             
Archaeromma nearcticum  ●                         ●                ●                                             ●    
Ooctonus minutissimus  ●                                          ●                                                  
Petiolaria  ●                                            ●●                                               
Protooctonus masneri  ●                           ●              ●                                                  
Palaeomymar agapa  ●                           ●             ●                                                   
Eustochus  ●                                                                                             
Mymar duisburgi  ●                                                                                             
Ooctonus   ●                                                                                            
Ooctonini   ●                                                                                            
Mymar anomalum   ●           ●        ●                                                                       
Mymarinae   ●                                         ●                                                  
Tetracampidae    ●                                                                                           
Dechtiria bisegmentus    ●                                                                                           
Mesosoma         ●     ●                               ●    ●                                           
Propleura         ●                                ● ● ●●  ●                                             
Tegula         ●                                ●                                                     
Prosternum         ●                                                                                      
Volsella            ●                                                                                   
Mymar omma             ●   ● ●  ●                                                                         
Mymaromella goethei              ●●                                                                                
Mymar lanceolate               ●                                                                                
Mymaromella anomalum               ●                                                                  ●             
Mymaromella omma               ●                                                                                
Macropleurodus anomalum                ●                                                                               
Maravichromis anomalum                ●                                                                               
Maaminga rangi                         ●                                                 ●         ● ●        
Maamingidae                         ●                                 ●●   ●●                              
Archaeromma minutissimum                            ●                ●                                                  
Palaeomymar mandibulatus                              ●              ●                                                  
Palaeomymar japonicum                              ●              ●                                                  
Protooctonus agapa                              ●                                                                 
Palaeomymar sternum                                          ●                                                     
Mymaromma clava                                          ●                                                     
Mymaromella mirissima                                                ●                                               
Palaeomymar cyclopterus                                                 ●                                              
Palaeomymar duerrenfeldi                                                  ●                                             
Nothofagus                                                    ●                                           
Waipoua                                                    ●                                           
Stephanidae                                                     ●● ●                                       
Ichneumonoidea                                                     ●      ●    ●                              
Microserphites                                                      ●     ●                                   
Scelionidae                                                      ● ●●●   ●●  ●                            ●
Monomachidae                                                      ●●                                        
Aculeata                                                       ●                                        
Megalyridae                                                        ●                                       
Camptoptera                                                        ●                                       
Aposerphites                                                        ●    ●                                  
Ibalia                                                        ●                                       
Ceraphronidae                                                        ●                                       
Ibaliidae                                                        ●          ●                            
Serphites                                                        ●●   ●                                ●●
Cynipoidea                                                        ●   ●     ●                             
Alaptus                                                        ●                                       
Ceraphronoidea                                                        ●  ●                                    
Trichogrammatidae                                                          ●        ●                            
Anaphes victus                                                          ●     ●                               
Aphelinidae                                                          ●        ●                            
Rotoitidae                                                          ●●●    ●                              
Anagrus atomus                                                          ●      ●                              
Agaonidae                                                          ●        ●                            
Anaphes listronoti                                                          ●                                     
Polynema                                                          ●                                     
Cales                                                          ●                                     
Proctotrupoidea                                                           ●      ●                             
Rotoita                                                           ●               ●                    
Rotoita basalis                                                           ●                                    
Diapriidae                                                           ●  ●   ●                             
Cynipidae                                                            ●                                   
Braconidae                                                            ●                                   
Vanhorniidae                                                             ●                                  
Ambositrinae                                                             ●●   ●                             
Platygastridae                                                               ●                                
Microserphites parvulus                                                               ●                                
Insecta                                                                ●●●●                            
Mymaromma anomala                                                                ●  ●                            
Epidinocarsis lopezi                                                                ●                               
Leptomastix dactylopii                                                                ●                               
Seria                                                                ●                               
Juniperus thurifera                                                                ●                               
Curculionidae                                                                ●                               
Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera)                                                                 ●                              
Cleonyminae                                                                 ●                              
Anagrus                                                                 ●                              
Parasitica                                                                 ●                              
Serphoidea                                                                 ●                              
Maga zine                                                                 ●                              
Chalcid                                                                 ●                              
Eurytomidae                                                                  ●                             
Norvegica                                                                  ●                             
Nasonia vitripennis                                                                  ●                             
Palaeomymar duisburgi                                                                  ●                             
Archaeoscelio                                                                  ●                             
Pteromalidae                                                                  ●                             
Homo pudicus                                                                  ●                             
Chalcididae                                                                  ●                             
Insecutor                                                                  ●                             
Stephanodes                                                                  ●                             
Ibalia rufipes                                                                   ●                            
Eulophidae                                                                   ●                            
Trichogramma nubilale                                                                   ●                            
Agaoninae                                                                   ●                            
Encyrtidae                                                                   ●                            
Colpoclypeus                                                                   ●                            
Mymar taprobanicum                                                                       ●                        
Eustochus atripennis                                                                       ●                        
Ptilomymar                                                                       ●                        
Rotoita basal                                                                           ●                    
Chiloe micropteron                                                                           ●                    
Mymaromella mini                                                                              ●      ● ●        
No references are available for this publication
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. New and revised maimetshid wasps from Cretaceous ambers (Hymenoptera, Maimetshidae)
    ZooKeys 130 pages 421--453 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.130.1453
    • PMC3260773
    • 22259291
  2. Compression fossil Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) from Kishenehn oil shales, with description of two new genera and review of Tertiary amber genera
    by John T Huber
    ZooKeys 130 pages 473--494 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.130.1717
    • PMC3260776
    • 22259294
    • 5e5101cb-35c6-49ff-97a5-a5a254b3b35f
  3. A new genus of fossil Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) from Cretaceous amber and key to Cretaceous mymarid genera
    by George O Poinar
    ZooKeys 130 pages 461--472 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.130.1241
    • PMC3260775
    • 22259293
    • 88da4da7-a602-4182-8eb6-1806d9795423
  4. New and revised maimetshid wasps from Cretaceous ambers (Hymenoptera, Maimetshidae)
    ZooKeys 130 pages 421--453 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.130.1453
    • PMC3260773
    • 22259291
    • f6cd5453-cd02-445c-a721-d166ac257093
  5. New and revised maimetshid wasps from Cretaceous ambers (Hymenoptera, Maimetshidae)
    ZooKeys 130 pages 421--453 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.130.1453
    • PMC3260773
    • 22259291
  6. New and revised maimetshid wasps from Cretaceous ambers (Hymenoptera, Maimetshidae)
    ZooKeys 130 pages 421--453 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.130.1453
    • PMC3260773
    • 22259291