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TitleThe millipede genus Caucasodesmus Golovatch, 1985, with the description of a new species from the Crimea, Ukraine (Polydesmida, Diplopoda, Trichopolydesmidae)
IssueSpecial Issue
PMC PMC3095180
PMID 21594076
ZooBank 974e31f2-ed39-454a-809d-be6c64e6b140
  1. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea diplopodelor din fauna Republicii Populare Romîne. III. Diplopode cavernicole.
    by T Ceuca
    Studii şi Cercetări de Biologie (Cluj) 2 pages 335--343 (1958)
    • Two new genera of cave-dwelling millipedes (Diplopoda), with remarks on the millipede fauna of West Caucasian caves.
      by SI Golovatch
      International Journal of Speleology 14 pages 39--50 (1984/85)
      • 10.5038/1827-806x.14.1.5
    • On three remarkable millipedes (Diplopoda) from the Crimea, Ukraine.
      by SI Golovatch
      International Journal of Myriapodology 1 pages 97--110 (2008)
      • 10.1163/187525408X316767
    • Classification of the Diplopoda.
      by RL Hoffman
      • Synopsis and classification of living organisms 2
        by RL Hoffman
        • Description d’une nouvelle espèce et d’un genre nouveau de diplopodes polydesmides hypogés récoltés dans l’arrondissement de Béziers (Héraults).
          by JP Mauriès
          Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 116 pages 228--234 (1980)
          • Un nouveau diplopode polydesmide cavernicole du Département du Gard : Manstigonodesmus fagniezi n. sp. (Polydesmidea, Mastigonodesmidae).
            by JP Mauriès
            Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 118 pages 141--144 (1982)
            • Le genre Galliocookia Ribaut, 1954. Deux espèces nouvelles des grottes de l’Ardèche et du Gard (Myriapoda, Diplopoda, Polydesmida).
              by JP Mauriès
              Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 119 pages 103--110 (1983)
              • The milliped genus Tidesmus Chamberlin, 1943 (Polydesmida: Macrosternodesmidae).
                by WA Shear;RM Shelley
                Zootaxa 1656 pages 51--68 (2007)
                • The milliped family Nearctodesmidae in northwestern North America, with accounts of Sakophallus and S. simplex Chamberlin (Polydesmida).
                  by RM Shelley
                  Canadian Journal of Zoology 72 pages 470--495 (1994)
                  • 10.1139/z94-066
                • Phylogeny and biogeography of the millipede order Polydesmida, with special emphasis on the suborder Polydesmidea.
                  by Å Simonsen
                  Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
                  1. Review of the millipede family Trichopolydesmidae in the Oriental realm (Diplopoda, Polydesmida), with descriptions of new genera and species
                    by Sergei Golovatch;Jean-Jacques Geoffroy;Didier Vandenspiegel
                    ZooKeys 414 pages 19--65 (2014)
                    • 10.3897/zookeys.414.7671
                  2. Review of the millipede family Opisotretidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida), with descriptions of new species
                    by Sergei Golovatch;Jean-Jacques Geoffroy;Pavel Stoev;Didier Vandenspiegel
                    ZooKeys 302 pages 13--77 (2013)
                    • 10.3897/zookeys.302.5357
                    • 7a088e76-d618-448b-8ce7-04e7b07a7074