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TitleDescription of a new species and subspecies of Idalus Walker from Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini)
ZooBank 789ccd34-c83d-4c66-88e5-05b00e5aed69
PublisherPensoft Publishers
  1. Integration of DNA barcoding into an ongoing inventory of complex tropical biodiversity. Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (Supplement 1): 1–26.
    by DH Janzen;W Hallwachs;P Blandin;JM Burns;J Cadiou;I Chacon;T Dapkey;AR Deans;ME Epstein;B Espinoza;JG Franclemont;WA Haber;M Hajibabaei;JPW Hall;PDN Hebert;ID Gauld;DJ Harvey;A Hausmann;I Kitching;D Lafontaine;J Landry;C Lemaire;JY Miller;JS Miller;L Miller;SE Miller;J Montero;E Munroe;Green S Rab;S Ratnasingham;JE Rawlins;RK Robbins;JJ Rodriguez;R Rougerie;MJ Sharkey;MA Smith;MA Solis;JB Sullivan;P Thiaucourt;DB Wahl;SJ Weller;JB Whitfield;KR Willmott;DM Wood;NE Woodley;Wilson JJ and
    • 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02628.x
    • 21564960
  2. Annotated check list of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of North America north of Mexico.
    by JD Lafontaine;C Schmidt
    ZooKeys 40 pages 1--239 (2010)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.40.414
  3. Description d’ un Idalus nouveau du Nicaragua.
    by M Laguerre
    Lambillionea 106 pages 111--116 (2006)
    • BOLD: The Barcode of Life Data System.
      by S Ratnasingham;PDN Hebert
      Molecular Ecology Notes 7 pages 355--364 (2007)
      • 10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.01678.x
    • Bionomy and morphology of Idalus admirabilis (LEPIDOPTERA: ARCTIIDAE) fed with Eucalyptus urophylla leaves. R.
      by GP Santos;Zanuncio JC ZanuncioTV,;EA Léo
      Árvore: 30 pages 123--127 (2006)
      • Contribução ao Conhecimento dos “Arctiidae” XX. Gênero “Idalus” Walker, 1855 . Rev. Brasil. Biol. 9 : 469-–474.
        by L Travassos
        • Contribução ao Conhecimento dos “Arctiidae” XXI. Sóbre as espécies de coloracão semelhante a “Idalus admirabilis” (Cramer, 1777) Rev. Brasil. Biol.10: 217–240.
          by L Travassos
          Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.