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TitleA revision of East Palaearctic Lobrathium (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae)
JournalBonn Zoological Bulletin
BioStor 137019
Lobrathium discrepans  ●                                                                      ●      
Lathrobium  ●                       ●       ●                                   ●     ●  ●
Tetartopeus  ●                                                                         ●   
Lo- brathium  ●                                                                         ●   
Domene  ●                                                       ●                     
Lobrathium  ●     ●     ●  ●  ●  ●  ● ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●     ●  ●  ●  ●  ●     ●  ●  ●  ●
Scymbalium  ●                                                                             
Platydomene  ●                                                                             
Achenium  ●                                                                             
Throbalium  ●                                                                             
Czwalina  ●                                                                             
Lobrathium cylindricolle  ●                               ●                                             
Micrillus  ●                                                                             
Pseudobium  ●                               ●                                             
Pseudolathra  ●                                                                             
Lathrobiina  ●                                                                         ●   
Ponthrobium  ●                                                                             
Scymbalopsis  ●                                                                             
Lobrathium lederi        ●  ●                                                                    
Lobrathium anale        ●                                                                       
Baena        ●                                                                       
Lobrathium badium        ●  ●  ●                                                                 
Lathrobium lederi        ●                                                                       
Lobrathium apicale        ●                                                                       
Lathrobhtm lederi        ●                                                                       
Lobrathium candicum        ●                                                                       
Charca        ●                                                                       
Micropterous elytra        ●                                                                       
Andalucia        ●                                                                       
Habitus           ●     ●  ●             ●        ●  ●     ●  ●  ●     ●     ●  ●  ●   
Lobrathium brunneum              ●                                                                 
Lobrathium triste              ●  ●             ●                                                
Lobrathium bicornutum              ●                                                                 
Lobrathium integrum              ●     ●                                                           
Lobrathium cornutum              ●                                                                 
Lobrathium unispinosum              ●     ●  ●                                                        
Lobrathium kleebergi                 ●     ●  ● ●                                                   
Lobrathium flavipenne                 ●     ●                                                        
Lobrathium wittmeri                 ●          ●  ●  ●                          ●                  
Latella                 ●                                                              
Lobrathium semicaeruleum                 ●  ●  ●                                                        
Latella triste                 ●                                                              
Lobrathium mordens                 ●                                                              
Lathrobium semicaeruleum                    ●                                                           
Lathrobium semi caeruleum                    ●                                                           
Lobrathium semi caeruleum                    ●                                                           
Lathrobium semicaeruleum var.ochreonotatum                    ●                                                           
Lobrathium ochreonotatum                    ●                                                           
L. ochreonatum                    ●                                                           
Lathrobium unispinosum                    ●                                                           
Lathrobium integrum                    ●                                                           
Lathrobium ochreonotatum                    ●                                                           
Lobrathium guttula                       ●  ●                                                     
Himalaya                       ●    ●                                                   
L. kosiense                          ● ●  ●                                                
Lobrathium bicarinatum                          ●                                                     
Lobrathium multipunctum                          ●                                                     
Lobrathium pustulatum                          ● ●                                                   
Lobrathium sinuatum                          ●                                                     
Pokhara                          ●                                                     
Annapurna                            ●                                                   
Lobrathium pustula                            ●                                                   
Lobrathium kashmiricum                               ●                                                
Lathrobium (Lobrathium) cylindricolle                                  ●                                             
Lobrathium alticola                                  ●                                             
Lathrobium cylindricolle                                  ●                                             
Lobmthium hongkongense                                     ●                                          
Lathwbium (Lobrathium) hongkongense                                     ●                                          
Lathwbium hongkongense                                     ●                                          
Lobrathium ryukyuense                                     ●  ●                                       
L. sibynium                                     ●  ●                                       
Lathwbium                                     ●                                          
Lobrathium hongkongense                                     ●  ●  ●  ●     ●                           
L. domenoides                                        ●                    ●                  
L. bimembre                                        ●                       ●               
Lobrathium tuberosum                                        ●        ●                              
Lobrathium tortile                                        ●     ●                                 
L. cholaicum                                        ●                    ●                  
Lobrathium bispinosum                                        ●        ●                              
Lobrathium rotundiceps                                        ●                 ●                     
L. configens                                           ●  ●  ●  ●        ●                  
Lobrathium radens                                           ●        ●     ●                     
Lobrathium retro carinatum                                           ●                                    
L. hebeatum                                           ●                                    
Lobrathium gladiatum                                           ●                                    
Lobrathium spathulatum                                              ●                                 
Lobrathium daxuense                                              ●              ●  ●               
L. demptum                                                 ●                              
L. spathulatum                                                 ●                              
L. schnelkei                                                 ●                              
L. mordens                                                 ●                              
Lobrathiwn demptum                                                 ●                              
L. lamellatum                                                 ●                              
L. hongkongense                                                 ●                              
L. excisissimwn                                                 ●                              
Lobrathium semiflavum                                                    ●              ●  ●         
Lobrathium schuelkei                                                    ●                           
Lobrathium tau                                                    ●                           
L. taureum                                                    ●                           
Lobrathium feldmanni                                                       ●                        
Laihrobium rotundiceps                                                          ●                     
Domene rotundiceps                                                          ●                     
L. excisissimum                                                          ●                     
Lathrobium rotundiceps                                                          ●                     
Lobrathium duplex                                                             ●  ●               
Xi- aoxiang                                                                ●               
Lobrathium partitum                                                                   ●  ●         
Lobrathium cribricolle                                                                   ●  ●         
L. semiflavum                                                                      ●         
Lathrobium cribricolle                                                                      ●         
Tetartopeus gracilentus                                                                         ●      
Astenus procerus                                                                            ●   
Lobratkium bimaculatum                                                                            ●   
Lathrobium sublaeve                                                                            ●   
Lobratkium wui                                                                            ●   
Lisu                                                                            ●   
Tetartopeus bimaculatus                                                                            ●   
Sunius filiformis                                                                            ●   
Tetartopeus wui                                                                            ●   
I. wui                                                                            ●   
Lobratkium                                                                            ●   
Lobrathium indubium                                                                               ●
Polyphaga                                                                               ●
Entomo- logica                                                                               ●
Ryukyus                                                                               ●
Adephaga                                                                               ●
Staphylinoidea                                                                               ●
Novius                                                                               ●
Archostemata                                                                               ●
Hydrophiloidea                                                                               ●
Lathrobii                                                                               ●
Coleoptera                                                                               ●
Lathrobium (Lobrathium) bettae                                                                               ●
Myxophaga                                                                               ●
Staphylinidae                                                                               ●
Histeroidea                                                                               ●
Paederinae                                                                               ●
No references are available for this publication
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. On the Lathrobium fauna of the Emei Shan, Sichuan, China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae)
    by Volker Assing;Zhong Peng;Mei-Jun Zhao
    ZooKeys 277 pages 47--67 (2013)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.277.4671
    • af8aa98e-9f08-4882-98c6-4dac7f97c9f8
  2. New species and records of Lobrathium Mulsant & Rey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) from China
    by Wen-Rong Li;Mei-Jun Zhao;Cong-Chao Dai;Li-Zhen Li
    ZooKeys 304 pages 49--81 (2013)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.304.5406
    • 28a0b3cf-755c-4503-8f04-2c85663d9b29
  3. Three new species of Lathrobium Gravenhorst (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) from Sichuan, Southwest China
    ZooKeys 205 pages 33--44 (2012)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.205.3148
    • PMC3391729
    • 22792033
    • ee75f7b0-b3d1-45ad-888e-10f0d43eb684