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TitleContributions to the South African Arachnid Fauna. II. On some new South African spiders of the families Barychelidae, Dipluridae, Eresidae, Zodariidae, Heracliidae, Urocteidae, Clubionidae
JournalCape Town Annals S African Museum
BioStor 57367
Idiops pullus●                                                 
Clubionidae●                                        ●      ● 
Idiops●                                               ● 
Ctenizidae●                                               ● 
Eresidae●     ●   ●●  ●                                 ● 
Zodariidae●                   ●                             
Dipluridae● ●                                             ● 
Barychelidae●                                               ● 
Diplothele ●                                              ● 
Diplothele arcturus ●                                                
Sigilla ●                                                
Ischnothele  ●● ●                                            
Evagrus  ●                                               
Thelechoris  ●                                             ● 
Thelechoris australis  ●                                               
Evagrus caffer  ●                                               
Ischnothele (Thelechoris)  ●                                               
Scopula  ●                                               
Allothele  ●●                                            ● 
Allothele teretis   ●                                             ●
Tarsus australis   ●                                              
Allothele australis   ●                                              
Ischnothele cassetti     ●                                            
Eresus namaquensis      ●                                           
Eresus depressus      ●                                          ●
Eresus purcelli      ●                                          ●
Eresus echinatus        ●                                         
Eresus bubo         ●                                        
Eresus fumosus         ●                                       ●
Eresus (Eresa) fumosa         ●                                        
Adonea variegata            ●                                     
Adonea parva            ●                                    ●
Adonea            ●                                   ● 
Stegodyphus             ●                                    
Stegodyphus deserticola             ●                                    
Dresserus kannemeyeri               ●  ●                              ●
Dresserus                ●                               ● 
Dresserus schreineri                  ●                              ●
Diores auricula                    ●    ●                       ●
Dresserus sericatus                    ●                            ●
Diores                    ●        ● ●                ●●
Zodarion                      ●                           
Camponotus                        ●                         
Diores capensis                        ●                        ●
Diores druryi                         ●                       ●
Diores jonesi                         ●                       ●
Glypeus                          ●                       
Diores poweri                           ● ●                    
Diores salisburyensis                               ●                  
Diores bifurcata                               ●                 ●
Hersiliola                                 ●●  ●          ● 
Hersiliola australis                                 ●               ●
Hersiliidae                                 ●              ● 
Caledon                                 ●                
Bicornis                                  ●               
Hersilia pungwensis                                    ●            ●
Hersilia bicornis                                    ●            ●
Calvinia                                     ●            
Uroctea semilimbata                                      ●           
Uroctea septemnotata                                      ● ●        ●
Uroctea schinzi                                      ● ●         
Uroctea quinquenotata                                        ●        ●
Corinninae                                         ●        
Ceto curvipes                                         ●       ●
Ceto                                         ●      ● 
Drassidae                                           ●  ●   
Anagraphis                                           ●      
Rhaeboctesis trinotatus                                           ●●    ●
Rhaeboctesis secundus                                            ● ●  ●
Rhaeboctesis matroosbergensis                                              ●  ●
Rhaeboctesis exilis                                              ●  ●
Arachnida                                               ●  
Eresus                                                ● 
Rhaeboctesis                                                ● 
Hermacha                                                ● 
Hersilia                                                ● 
Dresserus druryi                                                ● 
Allothele auricula                                                ● 
Ischnothele jonesi                                                ● 
Diores setosus                                                 ●
Rhaeboctesis transvaalensis                                                 ●
Dresserus colsoni                                                 ●
Dresserus nigellus                                                 ●
No references are available for this publication
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. The velvet spiders: an atlas of the Eresidae (Arachnida, Araneae)
    ZooKeys 195 pages 1--144 (2012)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.195.2342
    • PMC3361087
    • 22679386