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TitleA new species of the genus Arhynchite (Annelida, Echiura) from sandy flats of Japan, previously referred to as Thalassema owstoni Ikeda, 1904
ZooBank 90c48cd4-c195-4c65-a04f-7f0de0f18614
PublisherPensoft Publishers
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      • 10.1016/S1055-7903(03)00107-6
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          by H Ishikawa
          • Molecular evidence that echiurans and pogonophorans are derived annelids.
            by D McHugh
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            • 10.1073/pnas.94.15.8006
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              by T Nishikawa
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                by T Nishikawa
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                  by T Nishikawa
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                    by T Nishikawa
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                      by T Nishikawa
                      • Current state of aquatic animals sold as sport fishing bait in Western Japan.
                        by H Saito;N Niwa;K Kawai;H Imabayashi
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                        • On the sipunculids and echiurids of Onomichi Bay, Japan. Dobutsugaku Zasshi 46: 245–253. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110003359588
                          by H Sato
                          • Fauna Nipponica, vol. VI, Class Echiuroidea, Class Sipunculoidea, Class Priapuloidea. Sanseido, Tokyo, 2 + 96 pp.
                            by H Sato
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                              by H Satô
                              Saito Ho-on Kai Museum Research Bulletin 12 pages 137--176 (1937)
                              • Taxonomic review of genus Thalassema (Phylum Echiura).
                                by R Saxena
                                Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 4 pages 77--82 (1984)
                                • Annelid phylogeny and the status of Sipuncula and Echiura. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 57.
                                  by TH Struck;N Schult;T Kusen;E Hickman;C Bleidorn;D McHugh;KM Halanych
                                  • 10.1186/1471-2148-7-57
                                • Phylogenomic analyses unravel annelid evolution.
                                  by TH Struck;C Paul;N Hill;S Hartmann;C Hösel;M Kube;B Lieb;A Meyer;R Tiedemann;G Purschke;C Bleidorn
                                  Nature 471 pages 95--98 (2011)
                                  • 10.1038/nature09864
                                • A description of some Philippine thalassemae with a revision of the genus. The Philippine Journal of Science 8(D): 243–270. http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/34797915#page/307/mode/1up
                                  by LD Wharton
                                  Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.