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TitleNote sur l'anatomie de deux especes du genre Pericfaeta, et essai de classification des Annelides Lombricines
JournalAnnal des Scien Naturel 5[degree] serie Zoologie
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Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. The semi-aquatic freshwater earthworms of the genus Glyphidrilus Horst, 1889 from Thailand (Oligochaeta, Almidae) with re-descriptions of several species
    by Ratmanee Chanabun;Chirasak Sutcharit;Piyoros Tongkerd;Somsak Panha
    ZooKeys 265 pages 1--76 (2013)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.265.3911
    • dcfc4448-4a60-4991-b3f7-daea77d03fe2