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TitleRecords, new species, and a new genus of Hesperiidae from Mexico
JournalJournal of the Lepidopterist's Society
BioStor 144150
Hesperiidae● ● ●●● ●   ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●●              ●
Lepidoptera ●                       ●                ●                       
Dalla ramirezi   ●                                                  ●   ●       
Ridens   ●           ●                                                  
Enosis matheri   ●                     ●                               ●       ●
Epargyreus windi   ●   ●                                           ●●             
Pyrginae   ●   ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ●                         ●                
Carystoides   ●                               ●    ●                    ●    
Cynea   ●                              ●                        ●●     
Urbanus albimargo   ●                                                              
Euphyes   ●                                          ●                 ● 
Pyrrhopyginae   ● ●                                           ●                
Staphylus veytius   ●                 ●                                   ●       ●
Staphylus zuritus   ●                  ●                                  ●        
Quadrus   ●                                                             ●
Mellana   ●                                          ●                   
Polythrix   ●●        ● ●                                       ●          
Aethilla   ●              ●                                               
Hesperiinae   ●                     ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●                
Astraptes gilberti   ●       ● ●                                        ●           
Anthoptus   ●                           ●                           ●      
Atrytone   ●                                        ●                     
Epargyreus   ●●   ●●                                          ●             
Mysoria wilsoni   ●  ●                                                 ●        ●
Mimia   ●               ●                                             ●
Vettius   ●                        ●                             ●       
Methionopsis typhon   ●                               ●                              
Astraptes louiseae   ●     ●                                         ●●             
Euphyes peneia   ●                                          ●                   
Moeris duena   ●                               ●                              
Windia    ●              ●●                                             
Pyrrhopyge tzotzili     ●                                             ●              
Pyrrhopyge     ●                                                            
Mexcala      ●                                   ●             ●      ●  
Epargyreus brodkorbi        ●                                          ●              
Astraptes          ● ●                                        ●            
Astraptes hopfferi             ●                                                    
Astraptes alector             ●                                                    
Polythrix hirtius               ●                                                  
Polythrix gyges               ●                                                  
Polythrix roma               ●                                                  
Polythrix asine               ●                                                  
Urbanus doryssus                ●                                                 
Aethilla chiapa                ●                                    ●●           
Mimia chiapaensis                  ●                                     ●         
Augiades                   ●                                              
Windia windi                    ●                                   ●        ●
Telemiades                    ●                                             
Colima                     ●              ●                   ●         
Udranomia                     ●                                            
Staudinger, ia aspilatella (Ragonot, 1887)                      ●                                           
Quadrus francesius                        ●                                ●        
Enosis                          ●                                       
Vettius argentus                           ●●                         ●           
Anthoptus macalpinei                              ●                             ●     
Niconiades xanthaphes                              ●                                   
Pheraeus covadonga                               ●                                  
Schaus, inna affinis Aurivillius, 1910                               ●                                  
Anthoptus epictetus                                 ●                                
Pheraeus                                  ●                        ●●     
Cynea nigricola                                  ●                               
Carystoides escalantei                                    ●                        ●    
Carystoides abrahami                                     ●                            
Carystoides floresi                                      ●                      ●●   
Carystoides mexicana                                        ●                    ●●   
Atrytone mazai                                          ●                    ● ●
Atrytone potosiensis                                           ●                      
Mellana montezuma                                            ●                  ●  
Euphyes chamuli                                              ●             ●     
Tirynthia huasteca                                               ●                ● 
Tirynthia                                                ●                 
Macrolepidoptera                                                 ●                
Megathyminae                                                 ●                
INSECTA                                                  ●               
Victoria                                                     ●            
Potos                                                     ● ●        ● 
Mysoria                                                        ●         
Niconiades                                                          ●       
Staphylus                                                                 ●
No references are available for this publication
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. The Taygetis ypthima species group (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae): taxonomy, variation and description of a new species
    by Ricardo Siewert;Thamara Zacca;Fernando Dias;André Freitas;Olaf Mielke;Mirna Casagrande
    ZooKeys 356 pages 11--30 (2013)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.356.6481