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TitleReport on Mollusca collected at the Monte Bello Islands
JournalProceedings of the Zoological Society of London
BioStor 58730
PublisherWiley Blackwell (Blackwell Publishing)
Mollusca●● ● ● ● ● 
Paphia literata ●         
Eulima ●     ●●  
Haliotis ●         
Lima lima ●●        
Conus anemone ●●       ●
Chlamys ●         
Acanthopleura spinosa ●         
Tridacna elongata ●         
Cardita incrassata ●●        
Arcularia suturalis  ●        
Cardium unedo  ●        
Ancilla elongata  ●        
Lima multicostata  ●        
Rhodostoma  ●       ●
Fragum unedo  ●        
Valuta  ●      ● 
Alectrion suturalis  ●        
Modiolus philippinarum  ●        
Bullaria columellaris  ●        
Modiola metcalfei  ●        
Amalda elongata  ●        
Chiton gemmatus   ●       
Gemmata   ●       
Antigona tiara   ●       
Chiton spiniger   ●       
Antigonus   ●       
Chiton aculeatus   ●       
Cythere   ●       
Cytherea   ●       
Chiton echinatus    ●      
Chiton    ●      
Mesotomura    ●      
Deshayes    ●      
Acanthopleura    ●      
Chiton cunninghami    ●      
Acanthopleura spiniger    ●      
Lottia     ● ●   
Arica     ● ●   
Patella stella      ●    
Patella stellaris      ●    
Patella octoradiata      ●    
Angas alti costata      ●    
Patella lanx      ●●   
Angas      ●●   
Patella rugosa      ●    
Angas saccharina      ●    
Arica alticostata       ●   
Melanella        ●  
Eulima montagneana        ●  
Scaphella hedleyi         ● 
Carpentaria         ● 
Scaphella zebra         ● 
Valuta reticulata         ● 
Liostraca         ● 
Scaphella reticulata         ● 
Kerita rufa         ● 
Natica vitellus         ● 
Scaphella turneri         ● 
Leiostraca         ● 
Cassidulus          ●
Auricula          ●
Conus          ●
Auricula (Conovulus)          ●
No references are available for this publication
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. A Taxonomic Reassessment of Kerivoula lenis Thomas, 1916 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) Including a First Record from Peninsular India
    by Juliet Vanitharani;Albert Rajendran;Paul J J Bates;David L Harrison;Malcolm J Pearch
    Acta Chiropterologica 5 pages 49--60 (2003)
    • 10.3161/001.005.0104