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TitleA new species of Ocydromia Meigen from China, with a key to species from the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions (Diptera, Empidoidea, Ocydromiinae)
PublisherPensoft Publishers
  1. by M Chvála;VG Kovalev
    • Empididae.
      by JE Collin
      British Flies 6 (1961)
      • Studien über ostasiatische Dipteren. II. Hybotinae, Ocydromiinae, Hormopeza Zett.
        by R Frey
        Notulae Entomologicae 33 pages 57--71 (1953)
        • Viviparity in coprobionts in the order Diptera.
          by KY Grunin
          Trudy Zoologischeskogo Instituta, Akademiya Nauk, SSSR 13 pages 387--389 (1953)
          • The larva of the viviparous fly Ocydromia glabricula (Fln.) (Dipt., Empididae).
            by BM Hobby;KGV Smith
            Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 98 pages 49--50 (1962)
            • Manual of Nearctic Diptera
              by JF McAlpine
              Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa 1 pages 9--63 (1981)
              • by JW Meigen
                • Ovoviviparity and viviparity in the Diptera.
                  by R Meier;M Kotrba;P Ferrar
                  Biological Reviews 74 pages 199--258 (1999)
                  • 10.1017/S0006323199005320
                • by AL Melander
                  • Primeiro registro do gênero Ocydromia Meigen na Região Neotropical e descrição de O. amazonica, sp. n. (Diptera, Empididae, Ocydromiinae).
                    by JA Rafael;R Ale-Rocha
                    Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 34 pages 739--741 (1990)
                    • by KGV Smith
                      • by KGV Smith
                        • Manual of Nearctic Diptera
                          by GC Steyskal;LV Knutson
                          Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 1 pages 607--624 (1981)
                          • Notes on the species of the genus Ocydromia Meigen from China (Diptera: Empididae).
                            by D Yang;SD Gaimari
                            Pan-Pacific Entomologist 80 pages 62--66 (2004)
                            • by D Yang;KY Zhang;G Yao;JH Zhang
                              Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.