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TitleA new species of the genus Disogmus Forster (Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea, Proctotrupidae) from the Eocene Rovno amber
IssueSpecial Issue
PMC PMC3260774
PMID 22259292
ZooBank bc564294-46ac-45e7-b6a1-7f39edd2cc22
  1. A monograph of the North American Proctotrypidae.
    by WH Ashmead
    Bulletin of the United States National Museum 45 pages 1--472 (1893)
    • 10.5962/bhl.title.38713
    • 104148
  2. New species of Proctotrupoidea s. l. from Europe (Hymenoptera).
    by PN Buhl
    Phegea 26 pages 141--150 (1998)
    • Fossil flora and stratigraphy of the Florissant Formation, Colorado.
      by E Evanoff;WC McIntosh;PC Murphey
      Proceedings of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science 4 pages 1--16 (2001)
      • Catalog of world species of Proctotrupoidea, exclusive of Platygastridae (Hymenoptera).
        by NF Johnson
        Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 51 pages 1--825 (1992)
        • Hymenopterologische Studien.
          by A Förster
          • Revision of Proctotrupidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) described by Ch. T. Brues from the Baltic Amber.
            by V Kolyada;M Mostovski
            Zootaxa 1661 pages 29--38 (2007)
            • Revision of some parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea sensu lato) from the Florissant Locality, United States.
              by V Kolyada
              Paleontological Journal 43 pages 191--196 (2009)
              • 10.1134/S0031030109020105
            • Supergeneric groups of the Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera).
              by M Kozlov
              Entomological Review 49 pages 115--127 (1970)
              • Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière des crustaces et des insectes. Vol. 3.
                by PA Latreille
                • A comparative analysis of the Baltic and Rovno amber arthropod faunas: representative samples.
                  by EE Perkovsky;AP Rasnitsyn;AP Vlaskin;MV Taraschuk
                  AfricanInvertebrates 48 pages 229--245 (2007)
                  • A revision of the Serphidae (Hymenoptera).
                    by H Townes
                    Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 32 pages 1--541 (1981)
                    • Notes on the Oxyura. Family 3. Ceraphronidae. 4. Diapridae. 5. Belytidae. 6. Proctotrupidae. 7. Heloridae. 8. Embolemidae. 9. Bethylidae. 10. Dryinidae.
                      by F Walker
                      The Entomologist 7 pages 25--35 (1874)
                      Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.