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TitleCase 3350. Oncopus Thorell, 1876 and ONCOPODIDAE Thorell, 1876 (Arachnida, Opiliones): proposed conservation
JournalBulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
BioStor 80825
Paida transpecta●    
Arachnida● ●  
Paida citrosa●    
Opiliones●● ●●
Lepidoptera● ●●●
Oncopus●●  ●
Oncopus doriae●    
Caenoncopus ●   
Oncopus cuspidatus ●   
Oncopodidae ● ●●
Cyphophthalmi   ● 
Geometroidea   ● 
Gnomulus   ●●
Geometridae   ●●
Sterrhinae   ●●
Laniatores   ●●
Scopulini    ●

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Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.