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TitleTaxonomic review of the postica-group of Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Fanniidae) from China, with the description of one new species
PMC PMC3187644
PMID 21976986
ZooBank 466f28de-a876-44d5-9d9a-18d366e98b60
  1. A revision of the Nearctic species of Fanniinae (Diptera: Muscidae).
    by JG Chillcott
    Canadian Entomologist Supplement 14 pages 1--295 (1961)
    • 10.4039/entm9214fv
  2. On various new or little known British Diptera, including several species bred from the nests of birds and mammals (Part.).
    by JE Collin
    Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 75 pages 134--144 (1939)
    • A phylogeny of the family Fanniidae Schnabl (Insecta: Diptera : Calyptratae) based on adult morphological characters, with special reference to the Austral species of the genus Fannia.
      by MC Domínguez;SA Roig-Juñent
      Invertebrate Systematics 22 pages 563--587 (2008)
      • 10.1071/IS08003
    • Key to the common flies of China, second edition.
      by ZD Fan
      • A new species of Fannia (Diprera: Fanniidae) from central Europe.
        by F Gregor;R Rozkošný
        Biologia Bratislava 60 pages 519--522 (2005)
        • Manual of Nearctic Diptera, Vol. 1.
          by JF McAlpine
          • Notes on some American Diptera of the genus Fannia, with descriptions of new species.
            by JR Malloch
            Proceedings of the United States National Museum 44 pages 621--631 (1913)
            • 10.5479/si.00963801.44-1972.621
            • 73585
          • Diptera from the Southwestern United States, Paper IV, Anthomyiidae.
            by JR Malloch
            Transactions of the American Entomological Society 44 pages 263--319 (1918)
            • 105660
            • 25076996
          • Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 11. Scathophagidae–Hypodermatidae.
            by AC Pont
            • Fannia stigi n. sp. from Scandinavia (Diprera: Fanniidae).
              by K Rognes
              Entomologica Scandinavica 13 pages 325--330 (1982)
              • 10.1163/187631282X00390
            • The European Fanniidae (Diptera).
              by R Rozkošný;F Gregor;AC Pont
              Acta Scientiarum naturalium Academiae scientiarum Bohemicae-Brno 31 pages 1--80 (1997)
              • Die Anthomyidengruppe Homalomyia nebst ihren Gattungen und Arten.
                by P Stein
                Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 40 (1895)
                • Antennal evolution in the Brachycera (Diptera), with a reassessment of terminology relating to the flagellum.
                  by BR Stuckenberg
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                  • Studies on classification of the genus Fannia in China (Diptera: Fanniidae).
                    by LX Su;MF Wang
                    Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control 15 pages 110--112 (2004)
                    • , Studies on fauna of Fanniidae in Dongbei region of China.
                      by BF Wang;MF Wang;WQ Xue
                      Chinese Journal of Pest Control 22 pages 554--557 (2006)
                      • Taxonomic study of Fannidae in Shanxi (Diptera).
                        by MF Wang;YX Wu
                        Shanxi Journal of Preventive Medicine 5 pages 65--67 (1996)
                        • Three newly recorded species of Fanniinae from China.
                          by MF Wang;WQ Xue
                          Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 18 (1993)
                          • Innovation and Development in Entomology.
                            by MF Wang;WQ Xue
                            • Studies on the Family Fanniidae from the Subregion Loess Plateau of China (Diptera:Fanniidae).
                              by MF Wang;WQ Xue;XF Cao
                              Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control 15 pages 33--35 (2004)
                              • Innovation and Development in Entomology.
                                by YX Wu;MF Wang
                                • Flies of China. Volume1.
                                  by WQ Xue;MF Wang
                                  • The descriptions of two new species of the genus Fannia R.-D. from China.
                                    by WQ Xue;MF Wang;FH Li
                                    Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 26 pages 225--228 (2001)
                                    Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.