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TitleTrachymolgus purpureus sp. n., an armored snout mite (Acari, Bdellidae) from the Ozark highlands: morphology, development, and key to Trachymolgus Berlese
PMC PMC3185366
PMID 21998535
ZooBank 4ed536fd-7d1e-4c60-af98-ae92ae618d2d
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                  • Principles of acarology.
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                              • Tetrabdella neotropica (Acari: Bdellidae), a new genus and species from Brazil.
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                                • A new species of Hexabdella (Acari: Bdellidae) from Brazil.
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                                                • Bryogeography of the Interior Highlands of North America: taxa of critical importance.
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                                                • Anatomy and function of the ptychoid defensive mechanism in the mite Euphthiracarus cooki (Acari: Oribatida).
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                                                      by EF Sosnina;SO Vysotskaya;GN Markov;LKh Atanasov
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                                                                    by A Wohltmann
                                                                    Annales Zoologici 60 pages 355--381 (2010)
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                                                                  Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.