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TitleNew earthworm species of the genus Amynthas Kinberg, 1867 from Thailand (Clitellata, Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae)
PMC PMC3084491
PMID 21594106
ZooBank 81f631c6-d8fa-4301-b027-8c5cebc21403
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          • Megascolex (Promegascolex) mekongianus Cognetti, 1922: its extent, ecology and allocation to Amynthas (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae).
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                • Description of a new Amynthas earthworm (Megascolecidae sensu stricto) from Thailand.
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                  • Taxonomic re-evaluation of the Taiwanese montane earthworm Amynthas wulinensis Tsai, Shen & Tsai, 2001 (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae): polytypic species or species complex?.
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                                                          Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
                                                          1. The semi-aquatic freshwater earthworms of the genus Glyphidrilus Horst, 1889 from Thailand (Oligochaeta, Almidae) with re-descriptions of several species
                                                            by Ratmanee Chanabun;Chirasak Sutcharit;Piyoros Tongkerd;Somsak Panha
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