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Bibliographic citationLoboscelidiidae, a new family in Hymenoptera Pacific Insects, 3 1961: 523-548. [Zoological Record Volume 98]
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  1. A new species of the rare chrysidid subfamily Loboscelidiinae from China: the third species of Rhadinoscelidia Kimsey, 1988 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
    by Jing-Xian Liu;Jie-Min Yao;Xu Zaifu
    ZooKeys 87 pages 11--17 (2011)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.87.1295
    • PMC3082996
    • 21594099
    • f0b31053-855d-4585-aa27-3549c0a01498