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TitleAustralian Hymenoptera proctotrypoidea. No. 2
JournalTransactions of the Royal Society of South Australia
BioStor 133101
Hymenoptera●                          ●                                ●             
Aphanomerella ●                                                                        
Psilacolus ●                                                                        
Odontacolus ●                                                                        
Scutellum ●                            ●                                           
Acolomorpha minuta ●                                                                        
Aphanomerus bicolor ●                                                                        
Aphanomerus niger ●                                                                        
Thoron ●                                                                        
Aphanomerus rufescens  ●                                                                       
Aphanomerus sordidus  ●                                                                       
Aphanomerus flavus  ●                                                                       
Siphanta  ●                                                                       
Aphanomerus nigriceps  ●                                                                       
Aphanomerus pusillus  ●                                                                       
Yungaburra    ●●                                 ●             ●                    
Ceratobaeus parvicornutus    ●                                                                     
Acolus seminitidus        ●                                                                 
Acolus angustipennis         ●                                                                
Acolus ovi         ●                                                                
Acolus magnus         ●                                                                
Acolus pulcher          ●                                                               
Acolus flavios          ●                                                               
Acolus sordidus          ●                                                               
Acolus unifasciatipennis          ●                                                               
Acolus brunneus           ●                                                              
Acolus flavipes           ●                                                              
Acolus amplus           ●                                                              
Acolus silvensis           ●                                                              
Acolus            ●                                                             
Acolus speciossissimus            ●                                                             
Acoloides maculosus             ● ●                                                          
Acoloides aureolus             ●                                                            
Odontacolus australicus              ●                                                           
Tasmanicus                ●                                                         
Paragryon                 ●                                                        
Hoplogryon                 ●  ●                                                     
Teleas                 ●        ●                                               
Trimorus                 ●      ●                                                 
Trissacantha                 ●                                                        
Pentacantha                 ●                                                        
Xenomerus                 ●                                                        
Gryon                 ●                                                        
Gryonella                 ●        ●                                               
Trimorus assimilis                     ●                                                    
Trimorus australis                     ●                                                    
Trimorus nigripes                     ●  ●                                                 
Trimorus pulcherrimus                      ●                                                   
Trimorus speciosus                      ●                                                   
Trimorus mymaripennis                       ●                                                  
Xenomerus dubius                         ●●                                               
Xenomerus varipes                         ●                                                
Gryonella crawfordi                          ●                                               
Xenomerus flavicornis                          ●                                               
Gryonella bruesi                           ●                                              
Lagynodes                            ●●                                            
Prodendrocerus                            ●                                             
Conostigmus                            ● ●     ●                                     
Trichosteresis                            ●                                             
Aphanogmus braconis                            ●        ●                                    
Dendrocerus                            ● ●                                           
Lygocerus                            ●                                             
Ceraphron                            ●●●      ● ●   ●  ●      ●                    
Megaspilus                            ●●                                            
Neoceraphron                             ●                                            
Aphanogmus                             ●●        ●                                  
Trimicrops                             ●                                            
Pristomicrops                             ●                                            
Ecitonetes                             ●                                            
Plastomicrops                             ●                                            
Conostigmoides                              ●     ●                                     
Synarsis                              ●                                           
Dendrocerus sordidus                              ●                                           
Eumegaspilus                              ●                                           
Dichogmus                              ●                                           
Dendrocerus femoralis                               ●                                          
Lygocerus australicus                                ●                                         
Conostigmus rufinotum                                 ●                                        
Conostigmus muscosus                                  ●                                       
Conostigmus leai                                  ●                        ●              
Conostigmus tasmanicus                                  ●                                       
Gonostigmus                                   ●                                      
Conostigmus nigricornis                                   ●                                      
Conostigmus giraulti                                   ●                                      
Babinda                                   ●   ●       ●     ●   ●                
Lagynodes flavus                                    ●              ●                      
Aphanogmus nigripes                                      ●                                   
Aphanogmus assimilis                                      ●                                   
Aphanogmus unifasciatus                                      ●                                   
Aphanogmus brunneus                                       ●                                  
Ceraphron speciosissimus                                           ●                              
Ceraphron omphale                                            ●                             
Ceraphron calliope                                            ●                             
Ceraphron adonis                                             ●                            
Helena                                              ●                           
Ceraphron lycaon                                              ●                           
Ceraphron vulgaris                                              ●                           
Ceraphron narcissus                                               ●                          
Ceraphron flavus                                               ●                          
Ceraphron magnicornis                                               ●                          
Ceraphron flaviceps                                               ●                          
Ceraphron mellicornis                                                ●                         
Ceraphron sarpedon                                                ●                         
Ceraphron megacephalus                                                ●                         
Ceraphron niger                                                 ●                        
Ceraphron io                                                 ●                        
Ceraphron atlas                                                  ●                       
Ceraphron meridianus                                                  ●                       
Ceraphron muscophilus                                                   ●                      
Ceraphron aureus                                                   ●                      
Ceraphron giraulti                                                    ●                     
Ceraphron tasmanicus                                                    ●                     
Ceraphron ater                                                    ●                     
Ceraphron hercules                                                     ●                    
Ceraphron apelles                                                     ●                    
Ceraphron bifasciatipennis                                                     ●                    
Ceraphron elongatus                                                      ●                   
Ceraphron iole                                                      ●                   
Ceraphron pulcher                                                       ●                  
Ceraphron queenslandicus                                                        ●                 
Ceraphron varicornis                                                        ●                 
Ceraphron flavicoxa                                                        ●                 
Ceraphron apollo                                                         ●                
Ceraphron diana                                                         ●                
Ceraphron achilles                                                         ●                
Ceraphron pulcherrimus                                                          ●               
Ceraphron australicus                                                          ●               
Ceraphron bicolor                                                           ●              
Ceraphron splendidus                                                           ●              
Ceraphron daphnis                                                           ●              
Ceraphron leai                                                            ●             
Telenomus ossa                                                             ●            
Telenomus                                                              ●           
Telenomus orontes                                                              ●           
Telenomus oaxes                                                              ●           
Entedon                                                                 ●        
Podagrion grotii Girault, 1915                                                                 ●        
Pulchra                                                                  ●       
Plastogryon                                                                   ●      
Plastogryon nigriceps                                                                   ●      
Baryconus                                                                    ●     
Opisthacantha                                                                     ●    
Telenomoides                                                                       ●  
Hadronotus                                                                       ●  
Anteon australis                                                                         ●
Anteon reticulaticeps                                                                         ●
No references are available for this publication
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. Systematics of Old World Odontacolus Kieffer s.l. (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae s.l.): parasitoids of spider eggs
    by Alejandro Valerio;Andrew Austin;Lubomir Masner;Norman Johnson
    ZooKeys 314 pages 1--151 (2013)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.314.3475
    • 2c04598a-a971-4423-9e43-f8fa592ae709