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Holotype male.–Length 19 mm., width 11 mm. Oblong oval, shining, glabrous, dark castaneous, head darker. Antennae 10‐jointed, rufotestaceous, club slightly longer than the stem. Clypeus emarginate; margin moderately reflexed; punctures moderately coarse, evenly distributed, close, separated by their diameter or less; suture sinuate, slightly impressed. Head impunctate along suture and occiput; front slightly convex, punctures about as on clypeus, the punctures separated by one diameter across middle, to two diameters or slightly more anteriorly and posteriorly. Pronotum convex, three‐fourths wider than long; sides subangulate, widest at middle, straight converging anteriorly, sinuate slightly converging posteriorly; side margins irregularly crenate; all angles distinct, right; base sinuate, impressed margin obsolete middle third; punctures much coarser than on head and clypeus, irregularly and more widely spaced, separated by two to four or more diameters; no indication of median smooth line. Elytra and scutellum strongly punctured, punctures more evenly distributed, closer and somewhat finer than on thorax; sutural costae distinct, others obsolete. Mesosternum with fine yellowish hair, fine punctures. Abdomen glabrous, minutely punctulate especially at sides, with a shallow longitudinal impression. Penultimate segment with a few moderate punctures at sides, a shallow but distinct transverse smooth depression at posterior third. Terminal segment transversely shallowly impressed. Pygidium very finely obsoletely punctured, almost smooth. Fixed spur very short, acute; upper thin, lanceolate, slightly curved, subacute. Tooth of claw median, strong, right angled. Aedeagus, Fig. 1.
TitleEleven New American Coleoptera (Scarabaeidae, Cicindelidae)
AbstractHolotype male.–Length 19 mm., width 11 mm. Oblong oval, shining, glabrous, dark castaneous, head darker. Antennae 10‐jointed, rufotestaceous, club slightly longer than the stem. Clypeus emarginate; margin moderately reflexed; punctures moderately coarse, evenly distributed, close, separated by their diameter or less; suture sinuate, slightly impressed. Head impunctate along suture and occiput; front slightly convex, punctures about as on clypeus, the punctures separated by one diameter across middle, to two diameters or slightly more anteriorly and posteriorly. Pronotum convex, three‐fourths wider than long; sides subangulate, widest at middle, straight converging anteriorly, sinuate slightly converging posteriorly; side margins irregularly crenate; all angles distinct, right; base sinuate, impressed margin obsolete middle third; punctures much coarser than on head and clypeus, irregularly and more widely spaced, separated by two to four or more diameters; no indication of median smooth line. Elytra and scutellum strongly punctured, punctures more evenly distributed, closer and somewhat finer than on thorax; sutural costae distinct, others obsolete. Mesosternum with fine yellowish hair, fine punctures. Abdomen glabrous, minutely punctulate especially at sides, with a shallow longitudinal impression. Penultimate segment with a few moderate punctures at sides, a shallow but distinct transverse smooth depression at posterior third. Terminal segment transversely shallowly impressed. Pygidium very finely obsoletely punctured, almost smooth. Fixed spur very short, acute; upper thin, lanceolate, slightly curved, subacute. Tooth of claw median, strong, right angled. Aedeagus, Fig. 1.
JournalAnnals of the Entomological Society of America
URL http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/esa/aesa/1939/00000032/00000002/art00021
PublisherOxford University Press (OUP)
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