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TitleRevision of the Southeast Asian millipede genus Orthomorpha Bollman, 1893, with the proposal of a new genus (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae)
IssueSpecial Issue
DOI10.3897/zookeys.131.1921 [Crossref]
PMC PMC3208436
PMID 22140329
ZooBank b4f618fd-5f5d-4a8c-9140-98491f8a3b9b
PDF http://www.pensoft.net/inc/journals/download.php?fileTable=J_GALLEYS&fileId=2921
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                                                          Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
                                                          1. The millipede genus Orthomorpha Bollman, 1893 in Laos (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae), with descriptions of new species
                                                            by Natdanai Likhitrakarn;Sergei Golovatch;Somsak Panha
                                                            ZooKeys 374 pages 1--22 (2014)
                                                            • 10.3897/zookeys.374.6711