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TitleReview of the Permian family Permulidae nomen novum pro Aliculidae Storozhenko, 1997 (Grylloblattida)
IssueSpecial Issue
PMC PMC3260753
PMID 22259270
ZooBank de7dc785-f736-49d7-b1df-135bb68073a8
  1. The fauna of grylloblattid insects (Grylloblattida) of the Lower Permian locality of Tshekarda
    by DS Aristov
    Paleontological Journal 38 pages 80--145 (2004a)
    • Review of the stratigraphic distribution of Permian Grylloblattida (Insecta), with descriptions of new taxa
      by DS Aristov
      Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 6 pages 37--45 (2009)
      • New insects (Insecta: Mecoptera, Grylloblattida) from the Middle Permian Chepanikha locality, Udmurtia
        by DS Aristov;AS Bashkuev
        Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 2 pages 54--59 (2008)
        • The family Tillyardembiidae Zalessky, 1938 and the system of plecopteroid insects.
          by DS Aristov;AP Rasnitsyn
          Russian Entomological Journal 18 pages 257--264 (2009)
          • New and rare insect species from the Wellington Formation (Orthoptera, Grylloblattodea; Lower Permian, USA).
            by O Béthoux;RJ Beckemeyer
            Alavesia 1 pages 49--61 (2007)
            • Treatise on Invertebrate Palaeontology. Pt. R. Arthropoda 4. Vol. 3.
              by FM Carpenter
              • Die fossilen Insekten und die Phylogenie der rezenten Formen.
                by A Handlirsch
                • Revision der Paläozoischen Insekten.
                  by A Handlirsch
                  Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 96 pages 1--82 (1919)
                  • Fossilium catalogus. I: Animalia. Pars 16: Insecta Palaeozoica.
                    by A Handlirsch
                    • International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Fourth Edition
                      by Nomenclature International Commission on Zoological
                      • Permian insects of Moravia. Pt. 2. Liomopteridae.
                        by J Kukalová
                        Sbornik geologickych Vêd, Paleontologie 3 pages 39--118 (1964)
                        • Neraphidia mitis gen. et sp. nov. (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Protembiidae) from the Lower Permian of Chekarda (Permian Region)
                          by VG Novokshonov;EA Novokshonova
                          Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya 4 pages 123--125 (1997)
                          • Permian insects of the Vorkuta group in the Pechora Basin, and their stratigraphic implications
                            by AP Rasnitsyn;ID Sukacheva;DS Aristov
                            Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 4 pages 63--75 (2005)
                            • Untersuchung über die karbonischen Insekten und Spinnen von Wettin unter Berücksichtigung verwandter Faunen. Erster Teil: Revision der Originale von Germar, Giebel und Goldenberg.
                              by D Schlechtendal
                              Nova Acta Leopoldina 98 pages 1--186 (1913)
                              • Permian fossil insects of North-East Europe: new Liomopterids (Grylloblattida: Liomopteridae and Phenopteridae).
                                by SYu Storozhenko
                                Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 39 pages 209--220 (1992)
                                • 10.1002/mmnd.19920390130
                              • Classification of order Grylloblattida (Insecta), with description of new taxa.
                                by SYu Storozhenko
                                Far Eastern Entomologist 42 pages 1--20 (1997)
                                Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.