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TitleNotes on the genus Ismarus Haliday (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae) from China
PMC PMC3119315
PMID 21852927
ZooBank 4421d599-3dac-40bf-b6a4-7d7e4a6a8053
  1. Some hosts of Anteon spp. (Hym. Dryinidae) and a hyperparasite Ismarus (Hymenoptera. Belytidae).
    by VH Chambers
    Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 91 pages 114--115 (1955)
    • A host for Ismarus halidayi Foerst (Hym, Diapriidae).
      by VH Chambers
      Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 117 (1981)
      • British Entomology. Vol.3. Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Stresiptera, Hymenoptera, part I.
        by J Curtis
        • Corrections in the systematic position of certain taxa of the Chalcidoidea and Proctotrupoidea (s. l.), with notes on synonymy.
          by P Dessart
          Records of South Australian Museum 15 pages 551--559 (1967)
          • Eine Centurie neuer Hymenopteren.
            by A Foerster
            Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins de Preussischen Rheinlande Westfalens 7 pages 277--288 (1850)
            • Hymenopterologische Studien. II. Heft. Chalcidae und Prototrupii.
              by A Foerster
              • Essay on parasitic Hymenoptera of the Ichneumones Adsciti.
                by AH Haliday
                Entomological Magazine 2 pages 458--468 (1835)
                • Notes on the peculiar form of the ovaries observed in a hymenopterous insect, constituting a new genus and species of the family Diapriidae. Natural History Review (Proc.
                  by AH Haliday
                  ) 4 pages 166--174 (1857)
                  • Die Ismarinen und Belytinen Finnlands (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea).
                    by W Hellén
                    Fauna Fennica 18 pages 1--68 (1964)
                    • Diapriidae. Das Tierreich, 44
                      by JJ Kieffer
                      • Parasitism of Aphelopus species (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) by Ismarus dorsiger (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae).
                        by MA Jervis
                        Entomologist’s Gazette 30 pages 127--129 (1979)
                        • Catalog of Worlds Species of Proctotrupoidea, Exclusive of Platygastridae (Hymenoptera).
                          by NF Johnson
                          Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 51 pages 1--825 (1992)
                          • A revision of the Ismarinae of the New World (Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea, Diapriidae).
                            by L Masner
                            Canadian Entomologist 108 pages 1243--1266 (1976)
                            • 10.4039/Ent1081243-11
                          • On the identity of Agonophorus Dahlbom (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae).
                            by CFW Muesebeck
                            Proceedings of Entomological Society of Washington 74 (1972)
                            • Hymenopterorum ichneumonibus affinium monographiae, genera europaea et species illustrantes. Vol. 2.
                              by CG Nees von Esenbeck
                              • Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea, Diapriidae subfamily Belytinae.
                                by GEL Nixon
                                Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 8 pages 1--107 (1957)
                                • A catalogue of types of the smaller taxa of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, with notes on the history of the insect collection of L. A. G. Bosc d’Antic.
                                  by DG Notton
                                  Zoosystema 29 pages 457--470 (2007)
                                  • Neue Arten und Gattungen der Diapriiden aus der Mongolei (Hymenoptera. Diapriidae).
                                    by JB Szabó
                                    Annales Historico-Naturalesmusei Nationalis Hungarici 66 pages 353--358 (1974)
                                    • Skandinaviens proctotruper. Belytinae, Ismarinae.
                                      by G Thomson C
                                      Öfversigt af Kongliga Ventenskaps-Akadamiens Förhandlingar 15 pages 359--380 (1858)
                                      • Sveriges Proctotruper. Tribus VIII. Platygastrini.
                                        by CG Thomson
                                        Öfversigt af Kongliga Ventenskaps-Akadamiens Förhandlingar 16 pages 69--87 (1859)
                                        • Presence of the subfamily Ismarinae (Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea: Diapriidae) on the Iberian Penisula.
                                          by D Ventura;A Algarra;P Ros;J Segade C and Pujade
                                          Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 21 pages 105--106 (1997)
                                          • Die Ismarinae und Belytinae der Schweiz.
                                            by I Wall
                                            Entomologische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde in Dresden 35 pages 123--265 (1967a)
                                            • Die Ismarinae und Belytinae der Schweiz.
                                              by I Wall
                                              Entomologische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde in Dresden 38 pages 357--372 (1967b)
                                              Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.