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TitleOn the systematic position of Baltimartyria Skalski, 1995 and description of a new species from Baltic amber (Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae)
IssueSpecial Issue
PMC PMC3260770
PMID 22259287
ZooBank 64a87e03-0b92-4b07-b775-54299c769fb9
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    by TDA Cockerell
    The Entomologist 52 pages 193--195 (1919)
    • Geographical history of insects.
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      • Evolution of Micropterigidae (Lepidoptera) in the SW Pacific.
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        by GW Gibbs;J Kobayashi;H Suzuki;S Hashimoto;DC Lees;M Sugimoto;T Saigusa
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          • Cenozoic reconstructions of SE Asia and the SW Pacific: changing patterns of land and seas.
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            • A taxonomic study of the family Micropterigidae (Lepidoptera, Micropterigoidea) of Japan, with the phylogenetic relationships among the Northern Hemisphere genera.
              by S Hashimoto
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              • Paleontology of lepidopterans and problems in the phylogeny of the order Papilionida.
                by MV Kozlov
                • Order Lepidoptera Linné, 1758.
                  by MV Kozlov;VD Ivanov;AP Rasnitsyn
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                        by WG Kühne;L Kubig;T Schlüter
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                            • DNA mini-barcodes in taxonomic assignment: a morphologically unique new homoneurous moth clade from the Indian Himalayas described in Micropterix (Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae).
                              by DC Lees;R Rougerie;HC Zeller-Lukashort;NP Kristensen
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                              by I Metcalfe
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                                • Order Lepidoptera. In: Zhang Z-Q (Ed) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa.
                                  by EJv Nieukerken;L Kaila;IJ Kitching;NP Kristensen;DC Lees;J Minet;C Mitter;M Mutanen;JC Regier;TJ Simonsen;N Wahlberg;S-H Yen;R Zahiri;D Adamski;J Baixeras;D Bartsch;BÅ Bengtsson;JW Brown;SR Bucheli;DR Davis;J De Prins;W De Prins;ME Epstein;P Gentili-Poole;C Gielis;P Hättenschwiler;A Hausmann;JD Holloway;A Kallies;O Karsholt;A Kawahara;JC Koster;MV Kozlov;JD Lafontaine;G Lamas;J-F Landry;S Lee;M Nuss;K-T Park;C Penz;J Rota;BC Schmidt;A Schintlmeister;JC Sohn;MA Solis ;GM Tarmann;AD Warren;S Weller;VR Yakovlev;VV Zolotuhin;A Zwick
                                  • History of insects.
                                    by AP Rasnitsyn;DLJ Quicke
                                    • Bernstein-Lepidopteren.
                                      by H Rebel
                                      Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, „Iris“, 49 pages 162--186 (1936)
                                      • Study on the Lepidoptera from fossil resins. Part XI. Baltimartyria, a new genus for Micropteryx proavitella Rebel, 1936, with redescription of this species (Lepidoptera, Zeugloptera, Micropterigidae).
                                        by AW Skalski
                                        Amber & Fossils 1 pages 26--37 (1995)
                                        Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.