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TitleContributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. III. Tribe Amblyoponini (Hymenoptera)
JournalBulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard
BioStor 21041
Hymenoptera●                                                                              ●●       
Amblyopone●         ●●          ●                             ●    ●     ● ●             ●   ●    
Prionopelta●  ●    ●●                  ●●●●●    ●                              ● ●●●●● ●       ●   
Dorylozelus●●                              ●   ●●                                             ●●   
Ectatommini●   ●   ●            ●      ●                                                  ●   ●    
Paraprionopelta●                                   ●                                               ●   
Formicidae●           ●                                                                  ●●●      
Mystrium●  ●  ● ●               ●●                 ●                                       ●●   
Myopopone●        ●               ●●●●                                        ●             ●●   
Onychomyrmex●● ●                             ●● ●                                        ●   ● ●●   
Amblyoponini●●● ● ●●● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●   
Ponerini●                                    ●                                              ●   
Ponerinae ●  ●                            ●●                                             ●●  ●   
Amblyopone australis  ●                                                                             ●       
Myrmica   ●                                                                                ●   
Myrmecia    ●                                                                               ●   
Myopopone castanea    ●  ●                    ●                                       ●●                  
Cerapachyinae    ●                             ●                                                ●    
Dorylinae    ●                            ●                                               ● ●    
Rhododendron     ●                                                                                  
Fulakora       ●                     ● ●           ● ●      ●                              ●    
Strumigenys nidifex       ●                                                                                
Aenictus       ●                           ●                                               ●    
Stigmatomma          ●        ●●                                           ●                    ●  
Protamblyopone          ●                                                                         ●   
Arotropus          ●             ●                                                          ●    
Protamblyopone aberrans          ●                                                                             
Stigmatomma denticulatum          ●                                                                             
Ericapelta egregia           ●       ●                  ●                                                 
Ericapelta           ●                                                                       ●    
Amblyopone mutica           ●                                                                            
Mystrium camillae            ●                                                                           
Xymmer                    ●                                                                ●  
Stigmatomma (Xymmer) muticum                    ●                                                                   
Monomorium                     ●                                                                  
Notomyrmex                     ●                                                                  
Myopopone castanea var. macidata                         ●                                                              
Mada camillae                         ●                                                              
Pygidium                          ●                                                             
Myopopone rossi                           ●                                                            
Volsella                           ●                                                            
Examblyopone                            ●                                                      ●    
Prionopelta punctulata                            ● ●                                       ●                 
Prionopelta majuscula                            ● ●                                                         
Melanesia castanea                            ●                                                           
Prionopelta brocha                             ●                                                          
Prionopelta antillana                                ●                                                       
Examblyopone churchilli                                ●                                                       
Prionopelta opaca                                ●                                      ●                
Prionopelta poultoni                                ●                                                       
Ponera simillima                                ●                                                       
Onychomyrmex hedleyi                                 ●                                                      
Lithomyrmex                                  ●                                                 ●   
Passalidae                                   ●                                                    
Amblyopone degenerata                                    ●                                                   
Ponera                                     ●                                              ●   
Dorylus                                     ●                                             ●    
Amblyopone mystriops                                        ●●                                              
Funiculus                                        ●   ●                                           
Amblyopone monrosi                                           ●                                            
Amblyopone smithi                                             ●                   ●                      
Amblyopone orizabana                                             ●                                          
Carpinus                                              ●                                         
Anchisauripus rothneyi                                                  ●                                     
Amblyopone denticulata                                                    ●                                   
Amblyopone silvestrii                                                    ●                                   
Amblyopone mercovichi                                                        ●   ●                           
None                                                          ●                             
Gnamptogenys                                                           ●                            
Metapone                                                           ●                            
Cylindromyrmex                                                           ●                            
Amblyopone gingivalis                                                            ●                           
Eucalyptus haemastoma                                                             ●                          
Mundaring                                                               ●                        
Amblyopone longidens                                                               ●                        
Amblyopone aberrans                                                               ●                        
Amblyopone ferruginea                                                               ●                        
Fulakora habitus                                                                ●                       
Dandenong                                                                ●                       
Amblyopone exigua                                                                 ●                      
Amblyopone lucida                                                                 ●                      
Amblyopone gracilis                                                                 ●                      
Binna                                                                  ●                     
Eucalyptus                                                                   ●                    
Prionopelta mocsaryi                                                                       ●                
Prionopelta marthae                                                                       ●                
Tumupasa                                                                        ●               
Ocosingo                                                                        ●               
Collembola                                                                         ●              
Prionopelta modesta                                                                         ●              
Drosophila                                                                         ●              
Spurgeon                                                                              ●         
Bellenden                                                                              ●         
Stigmatomma pallipes                                                                               ●●       
Treubia                                                                                ●       
Platythyreini                                                                                  ●     
Prionopelta aberrans                                                                                   ●    
Strumigenys                                                                                    ●   
Monomorium (Notomyrmex)                                                                                    ●   
Leptogenys                                                                                    ●   
Renea                                                                                    ●   
Johnsonia                                                                                       ●
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