Wolska 1969. Spirocorys indicus gen. n., sp. n., Cilie holotriche de l'intestine de l'Elephant des Indes. Strelkov, A. A.; Sukhanova, K. M.; Raikov, I. B.[Eds]. Progress in protozoology. Abstracts of papers read at the 3rd Int. Congr. Protozool. Leningrad, 2-10 July 1969., Progress in protozoology. Abstracts of papers read at the 3rd Int. Congr. Protozool. Leningrad, 2-10 July 1969. Acad. Sci. USSR Nauk. Leningrad. [Published as two parallel and authentic issues, one in Russian, the other in English, French and German. Distributed outside USSR by Swets & Zeitlinger. N.V. Amsterdam]., 1969: 285-286