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Title | Amphipoda (Crustacea) from Palau, Micronesia: families Ampeliscidae, Ampithoidae, Aoridae, Colomastigidae and Cyproideidae |
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Author(s) | Alan A Myers |
Journal | ZooKeys |
ISSN | 1313-2989 |
Volume | 193 |
Pages | 1--25 |
DOI | 10.3897/zookeys.193.3109 |
PMC | PMC3361137 |
PMID | 22679377 |
ZooBank | bec06e94-c006-479f-913e-649d282805bc | | |
SHA1 | bce1c2c187bf326c659f661b81bf5319eaf3743b |
Year | 2012 |
Citation |
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