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TitleJapanese Cicadidae with descriptions of new species
JournalTransactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa Taihoku
No references are available for this publication
Only known citations between publications in BioNames are listed here.
  1. On the cicada genus Nipponosemia Kato, with description of one new species from China (Hemiptera, Cicadidae)
    by Mingsheng Yang;Cong Wei
    ZooKeys 293 pages 19--39 (2013)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.293.4649
    • a6046198-bfe6-4e1e-b165-b13dad7a853d
  2. On cicadas of Hyalessa maculaticollis complex (Hemiptera, Cicadidae) of China
    by Xu Wang;Masami Hayashi;Cong Wei
    ZooKeys 369 pages 25--41 (2014)
    • 10.3897/zookeys.369.6506